Limit your sodium intake

In Jelani's plan
Goal: 3. A heart healthy diet

Timing:When you are eating


Sodium in body holds onto water. This exerts pressure on the blood vessels and heart, leading to high blood pressure. High blood pressure is one of the risk factors associated with heart disease. Hence you need to check your sodium intake;

Limit your sodium intake

  • It maintains blood pressure. African, Americans, people of 51 or older diagnosed with high blood pressure, kidney disease or chronic disease shouldn’t have more than 1500mg daily while healthy adults can have no more than 2300mg.
  • Avoid extra salt to the food.
  • Avoid packaged would where salt is used as a preservative.
  • While purchasing, choose what contains less than 300mg per servings.
  • Avoid meats like bacon and sausage
  • Using sea salt in cooking is advisable as the sodium content is low.
  • Fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables have less sodium.


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Sara Young Cddd

120/80.... Absolutely perfect.. I stopped eating packaged food...

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Sara Young Cddd

I am having fluctuating blood pressure so, balancing salt in food.. Perhaps I get exhausted in the morning workout.. Need some salt in food... but just a lil'.

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Sara Young Cddd

Using Iodized Salt... It is important to maintain a correct intake of iodine.. Especially for women.

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Sara Young Cddd

I have checked on sodium intake... and seen that my blood pressure is absolutely NORMAL.. That's a sweet reward for all the sacrifices I made.

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Sara Young Cddd

now no more extra added salt. Even no salted nuts, I had roasted one in snacks today.

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