4. Time-outs

Course: Focus: Best Ways To Improve Your Concentration

Goal: Concentration Improving Techniques

Timing:When trying to concentrate.


You may have heard this countless times before, that you should take a break at regular intervals to be more productive. It is actually true and holds good especially for people who have trouble in concentrating. Medical research has proved it beyond doubt that the attention span of an average person does not exceed an hour and a half at a stretch.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.


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Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp
 Activity: 4. Time-outs


Not taking break between jobs is a mistake and I have done it several times and I suffered a lot. I feel so overwhelmed at times, frustrated, irritated, fickle-minded. The last time I took break when I was down with food poisoning and when I returned back I was more energetic. I should focus on myself a little more but I don't. When you have responsibilities on your head taking breaks looks like a luxury and not everyone can afford that.

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Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp
 Activity: 4. Time-outs

Oh yess... I used to feel guilty for those small walks while I was supposed to read for exams as a kids. But, I now know that gave me strength and focus for studying.. Happy.. I got good grades.

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