Technique #15 – Avoid Judgment

Course: Spirituality: The Top 25 Best Techniques For Becoming Enlightened And At Peace

Goal: 25 Techniques

Timing:When you want to become enlightened.


Somewhere along the line, we learn to be judgmental. Our parents may have modeled this behavior. It may have been reinforced by the words and attitudes of our peers. Whatever the cause, by the time we are adults, we have most likely been wounded by others’ judgments of us, and we have learned to pass the judgment on to other people. It’s a funny thing; little children do not judge. They may be instinctively selfish, they may say things they have heard others say without knowing the true meaning, but when they are little, children rarely know what it is to judge or criticize others. They accept people at face value and that is that.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

I am still a child inside. I could never judge. No doubt, I get hurt so much!!

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Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

Truly, there is something that we are ought to learn from the children.. Innocence. They are like a mould of soft clay.. They say what they hear and see. They don't even know what it is - how it makes a difference. I am going take this lesson - avoid being judgemental. 

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