Technique #25 – Have Patience

Course: Spirituality: The Top 25 Best Techniques For Becoming Enlightened And At Peace

Goal: 25 Techniques

Changes that are made purposefully and slowly tend to stick in the brain better and become a habit, so, I'm sorry to have to inform you, there is no incantation, prayer or wave of a wand that will make change happen quickly in most cases.

In your pursuit of spiritual growth, let me encourage you to sit back and enjoy the ride. Don’t take your pursuit too seriously, but relax and have some fun along the way. So what if you skip a day of affirmations! You can always pick up this discipline again the next day. Remember to live in the moment and to smell the roses every chance you get!

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

I pray, I affirm... but no matter what I do I am an impatient person. I can't stand suspense. I can't wait.

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