Lying Down Breathing Meditation

Course: Meditation: The Complete Guide: Meditation For Beginners, Mindfulness, Happiness & Peace

Goal: Techniques

Timing:1 times per Day


The Practice

  • Comfortably lie down in your bed on your back. Adopt the corpse pose by separating your legs, shoulder width apart with toes falling apart to the sides. Arms should be by your side and facing towards the ceiling.
  • Allow yourself to simply become aware of your body and mind. If you can feel tension anywhere, then gently suggest that body part to relax. As you bid the tension leave, say, “I relax my ____. My _______ is completely relaxed.” Take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to feel completely centered and grounded.
  • As you take the next breath, focus on how the air is entering your nose. Imagine that the air that is a refreshing green in color.
  • Feel how the air touches your nostrils.
  • Visualize the air passing through your lungs and spreading to every organ of your body.
  • Every organ, every body part this fresh, green– colored air touches turns vibrant and healthy.
  • Now, imagine that all the negativity and blockages inside you are present in small debris of brown color. Collect them together and, with a deep exhalation, release them out.
  • Keep practicing until you fall asleep. Focus your attention on how your stomach and chest expands each time you inhale fresh air, and how they contract upon exhalation.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.