Loud Chanting Om Meditation

Course: Meditation: The Complete Guide: Meditation For Beginners, Mindfulness, Happiness & Peace

Goal: Techniques

Timing:When you meditate.

  • Find a quiet, peaceful place.
  • Sit comfortably with your spine erect.
  • Take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Now, focus on the point between your eyebrows.
  • Take a deep inhalation and with the exhalation, loudly pronounce “OOOOOOOOOOOmmmmmmmmmmmmm.” “Mmmmmmm” is pronounced in a hum and should be produced by closing the mouth.
  • “OOOO” and “mmmm” are pronounced in a 2: 4 ratio. Remember, that “OOOO” is said out loud by circling the mouth and keeping it open. “mmm” is hummed with the lips pursed together.
  • Practice at least five rounds of Om chanting to feel the benefits. You will immediately feel the vibration of Om in each body part.
  • This is an excellent meditation for becoming calm and peaceful. It is also easy to do, as your mind is completely engaged in the chanting of the mantra.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.