Get Started

Course: 5 Minute Morning Boosters: How to create a short morning routine and supercharge your life

Goal: Get Started with Your Morning Rituals



Step 1: Go to your favorite calendar, find the date that’s 30 days from today, and mark “Morning Ritual Check-In.”

 Step 2: Right now, write down how happy you are with the following areas of your life. Just write down a number from 1-10 and quickly jot down any notes you have about them: Health, Family, Friends, Romantic relationship, Career, Money, Making time for fun Stress

Step 3: Read the rest of this book. As you go through, find 6-10 different activities that you commit to doing every single morning for the next 30 days.

 Step 4: On day 30, go through and rewrite your answers to step #2 without looking at what you originally wrote. See what changed.


Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.