Focus on Physical Fitness

Course: 5 Minute Morning Boosters: How to create a short morning routine and supercharge your life

Goal: Boost Your Health in 5 Minutes

Timing:1 times per Day

  • Do squats, push-ups, or planks.

Take a few minutes every day to do squats or push-ups. See if you can beat however many you did the day before. You might also do a minute of the plank exercise, working your way up to 3-5 minutes at a time.

  • Do some deep breathing.

Set a timer for 5 minutes to do some deep breathing. This will help calm your nervous system and give you a sense of inner peace, even if there is a lot of other chaos going on around you.

  • Do some eye exercises.

 If your eyesight isn’t so stellar, there are all kinds of eye exercises you can do to get better eyesight.


  • Do 5 minutes of yoga.

Sometimes it feels really nice to do some stretches first thing in the morning. It’s a great way to feel connected to your body, to relieve any tension, and to get energized for the day ahead.

  • Go on a walk.

Either walk around your block, or, depending on how big it is, walk in general for 5 minutes outside.

  • Jump rope for 5 minutes.

This is a fun exercise you can do to bring you back to being a kid again. It also has all kinds of health benefits, including weight loss, overall cardiovascular health, and increasing your muscle tone.

  • Pack a gym bag.

If you’ve been meaning to go the gym more, pack your gym bag now. If you have a bag full of everything you need ready to go, it’s a lot more likely that you’ll stop by than if you keep telling yourself you “should” do it but are not prepared to do so.

  • Schedule gym classes.

I got this great idea from Ginny Johnson of http:// Go onto your gym’s website, either daily or once a week, and find classes that you’d like to go to. Put them in your calendar so that they’re as important as phone calls or meetings. Give yourself bonus points if you quickly email your friends to tell them which classes you’re going to, so that you have exercise AND social time.