1. Increase your focus gradually

In Ana Neilson's plan
Goal: Concentration Improving Exercise

Timing:When trying improve concentrate.


This is a method where you set yourself a timer, say for 45 minutes, and you work until the timer goes off. Then you can take a 15 minute break. But, if your focus isn’t up to scratch, you don’t want to be diving straight into it. So, set yourself a 5 minute timer. Focus completely on your work for those 5 minutes and then have a 2 minute break. Do another 5 minutes, followed by another 2 minute break. Each day, add another 5 minutes to the timer and another 2 minutes to your break. By the time 9 days is up, you should be focused enough to work for that 45 minutes without stopping, before rewarding yourself with an 18 minute break. Once you get settled in to that routine, you can work on lengthening the time you work and reducing the time of your breaks - but not to the extent where they disappear altogether.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.


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