Focus on Knowledge Acquisition

Course: Grow to Success: A Set of Skills That Taught Me to Achieve Personal and Professional Success

Goal: Develop Passion

Knowledge acquisition as well as personal growth and personal development are vital attributes needed for success.

  1. Expose yourself to knowledge.
  2. Control your input
  3. Research
  4. Make an effort to acquire knowledge daily
  5. Spend more time thinking
  6. Develop a positive mind-set
  7. Work hard and work consistently
  8. Time management
  9. Invest in yourself
  10. Listen and observe

For business

  • Improve your skill set
  • Believe in teamwork
  • Be adaptable to changes
  • Train your team to manage time efficiently
  • Be a good leader
  • Analytical thinking
  • Create other leaders

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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Lewis C Dsafsf

That is a good one.. I am old school and things are dso advanced right now that either I have to change and improve myself or quit it atogether. What should I do? I picked up a few books today from the bookstore to figure out a way anf my kid is telling me he saw some wonder wave table.. I got to see that now.

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