
Course: Grow to Success: A Set of Skills That Taught Me to Achieve Personal and Professional Success

Goal: Develop Passion

Timing:When you are going to start something or do something new.


The plan also included specific details on ownership, office management, a financial plan, and a two-year pro forma.

  • Organizational Matters/ Ownership
  • Office Management
  • Financial Plan

Just like an individual needs a personal growth plan, every business also needs a business growth plan in order to remain successful and to keep up with the dynamics of the business itself.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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Lewis C Dsafsf
 Activity: Plan

I think I lacked some planning skills when I was trying to set up my own workshop. It didn't work well. I thought I would retire, but Not going to give up.. I will study, learn and plan it out.

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