Stay Focused

Course: Grow to Success: A Set of Skills That Taught Me to Achieve Personal and Professional Success

Goal: Develop Passion

Timing:When you are passionate about something.


1. Plan. Every evening, plan your day ahead. Make a list of all tasks and items you must complete the following day. Prioritize your list and complete important items first.

2. Focus your mind on one single task at a time. Develop this skill and ability to direct your mind fully to one task at a time. Master the art of mental focus by taking control over your mind and being aware of what your mind is focusing on.

3. Develop a habit of narrowing your focus with determined intensity on one key item at a time. Keep your attention zeroed in on only one single task for at least sixty to ninety minutes each time. Taking a five- to ten-minute break every sixty minutes will improve your performance.

4. Eliminate distraction from the environment. Don’t allow intrusive distractions, such as text messages, pages, and phone calls, to interrupt your focus. So in order to stay focused, you must find and make a habit of shutting down these distractions that may be intruding into your focus or slowing down or limiting your productivity.

5. Eliminate intrusive thoughts. Avoid the habit of allowing your mind to travel around while you are focusing on a different task. When you learn how to focus, your mind you will also learn how to use it effectively to complete the tasks that you have on hand.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.