Develop Your Mindset

Course: Grow to Success: A Set of Skills That Taught Me to Achieve Personal and Professional Success

Goal: Develop Passion

Timing:When you are passionate about something.


1. Take charge of yourself. You are responsible. Don’t allow anyone to take charge of your life.

2. Laugh. Keep a good sense of humor as often as possible. It will certainly contribute to your happiness.

3. Think positive. Commit yourself to always thinking in positive ways. Feel your mind with positive things. Don’t dwell on negativity.

4. Input. Control and reduce the amount of negative input that you receive. The world around us feeds us with a lot of negativity. Make every effort to stay clear of these kinds of input. They can have a negative impact on our mind-sets.

5. Gratitude. Be grateful every day for everything that you have. Being thankful for yourself or your life, for your relationships, and for the your situation in life is critical to helping you appreciate the abundance that you have.

6. Health. Taking care of your body will enable you to have a positive mind. Exercise is known to release happy hormones that will help give us a positive mind-set. Avoid ingesting toxins that can affect your thought process, like drugs and alcohol.

7. Less worry. Make every effort not to dwell on negative things that happened to you. You cannot control life. But you can control how you react to life. Worrying and dwelling on things that you cannot control will do nothing but create a negative mind-set.

8. Relationships. Take inventory of your relationships. Stick with those that elevate you to the next levels. Turn away from people who lack the capacity to see value in you. Distance yourself from people who consistently try to bring you down.

9. Smile. Smiling gives other people a good impression about you. Remember people’s expressions as you tend to mirror your expressions at them.

10. Life. Embrace life the way it is. Focus your mind on things that are important to you. Love yourself and live life fully with everything that you have right now. Control your reactions to events around you. Keep in mind that life is a journey and it is important that we live it.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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Lewis C Dsafsf
 Activity: Develop Your Mindset

Trying to worry less these days.. Whenever bad thoughts coming up I am keeping myself busy with some work even games. It diverts my mind.

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Lewis C Dsafsf
 Activity: Develop Your Mindset

In 50's when you have less energy, you have more negativity in your mind. I ought to worry less. Scheduling worry time. 

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