Stay Consistent

Course: Grow to Success: A Set of Skills That Taught Me to Achieve Personal and Professional Success

Goal: Develop Passion

Timing:When you are passionate about something.


Tips that helped me stay consistent.

1. Do it.

2. Do it even when the going gets tough.

3. Do it even when you are tired.

4. Do it regardless.

5. Do it every day.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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Lewis C Dsafsf
 Activity: Stay Consistent

It is actually important...I have been so wrong .. I just gave up .. I have been so inconsistent. But not any more. I will try today, tomorrow, day after tomorrow and the day after that until I achieve my dreams. 

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Lewis C Dsafsf
 Activity: Stay Consistent

I was done with fever.. I couldnt do much, but hated to miss my yoga session. I managed to get up even if its for 5 minutes but I did it! I am happy that I have been consistent!

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