Focus on Marketing

Course: Grow to Success: A Set of Skills That Taught Me to Achieve Personal and Professional Success

Goal: Improve Productivity

Timing:When you need to improve the productivity.


Marketing procedures

  1. Direct marketing by “word of mouth”
  2. Television
  3. Radio
  4. Billboards
  5. Pinterest
  6. Online social media
  7. SEO optimization
  8. Free samples
  9. E-mail
  10. Telemarketing


Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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Lewis C Dsafsf
 Activity: Focus on Marketing

Slowly, I am learning the art of marketing.. try out my hands at the social media these days. I am glad - getting great response as well. Inspires me to make inventions -some mordern style furnitures - space saving and classy.

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Lewis C Dsafsf
 Activity: Focus on Marketing

I picked this up - email marketing for some of my wood art. Thinking to put up a sale next weekend but that depends on the response I get from my email marketing campaign. 


Trying to follow the beginner's guide for an email marketing campaign from

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