Timing:When you want to become enlightened.
The arts have their genesis in creativity. Creativity utilizes the part of the brain that controls imagination, color identification and spatial recognition. Although there is some controversy about how the brain dictates creativity, it is certain that without the use of this portion of the brain, artists would not be able to figure out what colors to use to paint a landscape or how much space they can use to dance without falling off the stage. Music, visual art, dance and creative writing are all inspired by what has been labeled the right brain. Brain and spirit work together in creative endeavors. Many artists consider their work to be largely a spiritual activity. Even if they deny the spirituality of their work, anyone who creates is echoing the creative work of the Source from whence they originated.
Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.
I just cam across a post on facebook. An artist who can paint light. Its miracle. The paints look different in light and dark. As if I am watching a motion picture. Increbile. I feel like even I should try something like this.
I am going out with my cousins to watch aa musical drama. I have never thought about inspiring myself by art. I don't have much of an expectation of getting inspired today. But, anything even the slightest sparks are well-appriciated. I am hopeful and excited!