Do Superman or Wonder Woman Pose.

Course: TRUTH: The Ten Minute Life Plan: Ending Procrastination and Creating the Life You Want

Goal: Technique Three: Two-Minute Posture/ Presence Reset

Timing:When you feel tired or uninspired.


Posture/ Presence is a success tool that will not only portray to the outside world that you are a winner but also to your inner self that you are a star. When that inner self-image gets the positive message then everything changes. Posture and presence are aspects over which you have control. This is about being aware of how you are feeling and how you are carrying yourself in that moment. Whatever the situation, act as if you have already succeeded. Simply put, fake it until you make it! The other great affect from acting in this manner is that you change over the Red Zone to the Green Zone and your change in posture actually changes your physiology. These two-minute changes (in the body stance) lead to hormonal changes that can configure your brain to be either assertive, confident and comfortable, or really stress reactive and feeling shut down.

Stand tall, head high with your hands on your hips and assume the posture of your super-hero. Hold that pose and feel the power for two minutes. Affirm, “I am strong and powerful!” 

Tags: Pose, energy, positive, negative