Use the timed “I Will” response and Journal for ten minutes

Course: TRUTH: The Ten Minute Life Plan: Ending Procrastination and Creating the Life You Want

Goal: Technique Four: Journaling

Timing:When you get stuck in the Red Zone


When we get stuck in the Red Zone we procrastinate, complain, experience energy drain, feel anxiety, worry and fear. Journaling is one of the most powerful tools we can use. One of the fastest ways to flip the switch on the Red Zone is to write. By writing out the feelings that were pent up you shut down the reactive mode and switched to the calm responsive mode.

Use the timed “I Will” response and Journal for ten minutes to end each day. This can be done before you leave work or before you go to bed. Basically write about anything that is on your mind. Especially pay attention if you are procrastinating on any type of work that you know needs to be done. Focus in on why you are putting the work off!

Tags: Red zone, Journaling, writing