Use The “I WONT” Response.

In Rabiya Manzoor's plan
Goal: Technique Two: Ten-Minute Timer Exercise

Timing:When you face the resistance of comfort zone


If you are trying to break bad habits such as eating sweets after dinner, compulsive shopping, smoking, gossiping, etc. use the “I won’t” response. Here is how it works: Say you are rolling along and doing fantastic on your new diet plan. You’ve had your dinner but there is a brownie on the counter. You eye that brownie and all your instincts are yelling for you to attack! The voice in your head says, “It’s ok, you exercised this morning and have been perfect on your eating plan.” You scream NO! Well, maybe one bite? My mother always told me it’s ok to have a little. But, I can have it on Junk Night, Right?

The Ten-Minute I WONT response works like this: You want the brownie but in order for you to have it you have a set rule. You set your timer for ten minutes and pull out your journal. Write anything that is on your mind, most likely you will write about the brownie. After the ten minute timer goes off if you still want the brownie then have at it. When it comes to changing eating habits this technique has worked wonders. The simple act of journaling turns on the Green Zone where it’s easy to say NO.

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