Take a Green Zone Walk

In Rabiya Manzoor's plan
Goal: Technique Seven: Ten Minute Green Zone Walk

Timing:When you want to flip on the Green Zone


When it comes to stress management a little bit of exercise can change your life dramatically, especially when it comes to procrastinating. Once we are in the Green Zone we are managing the stress response, which allows us to make responded choices versus reactive choices. Also by turning on the Green Zone we activate the wellness part of our nervous system lowering our heart rate, slowing our breathing and increasing brain function. When we are highly stressed our body, even at rest, is like a teakettle boiling (stuck in the Red Zone) and the moment we start to exercise the steam lets out and the body relaxes (enters the Green Zone).

Give yourself 10 minutes or longer to take a walk. Outdoors is best. If weather or obstacles make that impossible use a treadmill or you can actually march in place. Walk at a moderate pace, enough to get your heart rate up slightly. The thing is the Green walk has one purpose and that is to switch the Red Zone over to Green.

The Green Zone walk is designed to manage the response and switch us from the Red Zone to the Green Zone. Here are some strategic times to use this technique:

Before Work. By taking a simple 10-minute walk you get your nervous system ready to roll into the Green Zone and you are ready to start the day with gusto.

Lunch Break. Taking a 10-minute walk at midday changes your entire focus. The stress response is more prominent in the afternoon as the day wears on. The Green Zone walk actually refocuses the nervous system to the productive Green Zone.

After Work. The after work Green walk will not only help you with managing stress but it also can help with your relationships. By taking a simple ten-minute walk around the block before entering the house resets your stress response and allows you to respond to your family.

It’s by far one of the most effective tools when it comes to managing the stress response. Just think about it. If you follow the technique you will be exercising 30 minutes each day. WOW! SIMPLE!

Copied from: Take a Green Zone Walk
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