Try to Eat with your Opposite Hand

In Rabiya Manzoor's plan
Goal: Technique Nine: Opposite Hand Diet

Mindful eating is the type of eating that many of our parents tried to teach us— slow down and chew your food. If you are having a meal and at the same time working or watching the news you are most likely eating in the Red Zone. When we eat in the Red Zone our digestion system is shut down leaving little chance that our body can use the nutrients we just consumed. Also, when we are in the Red Zone the Green Zone shuts down so there is no pause-plan response and we overeat. Finally, if we eat in the Red Zone our metabolisms is in a flight or fight state so we will crave sweets and are more likely to binge on bad foods to end our day.

Before we jump into the technique make sure you develop a couple of other eating habits that will reinforce the Green Zone. Do not eat and watch television. Do not eat and work. Don't eat if you are angry or stressed out. Simply pick one of the techniques to change your state before you eat the meal. Finally, try the following technique for a few weeks and see what happens.

Simply eat your meals using your opposite hand. What it forces you to do is be mindful of what you are eating because if you are not in the moment, you will spill your food. When the pause and plan response is activated with the Green Zone turned on it will cause you to fill up faster and have optimal digestion.

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