32. Do It Over Again

In Sara Young's plan
Goal: Visualize

Timing:When you have to forgive yourself.


Sit for a moment and bring to mind a hard interaction you had recently. Maybe you grabbed your child’s arm too hard. Maybe you yelled at someone you love and wished you hadn’t. Maybe you wanted to be supportive to your friend but that’s not what came out of your mouth. Take a deep breath, and let the memory dissolve. Feel it leaving your mind and heart, easily melting like chocolate on a hot day. You made a mistake, and it’s over and done with. Make a decision to forgive yourself. Now, right in this present moment, do it over again in your mind. You can’t take away your old action; yet you can replace it with something more kind and gentle. You can communicate with a lighter touch, a softer voice, or supportive words in the safe, gentle shelter of your own mind. Doing it over again helps you forgive yourself for not being as strong as you meant to.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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