Use three-step approach to reset the subconscious programs

Course: TRUTH: The Ten Minute Life Plan: Ending Procrastination and Creating the Life You Want

Goal: Technique Twelve: Subconscious Reset

Timing:When you catch yourself procrastinating


Awareness is the key. The moment that you catch yourself procrastinating, complaining or just feeling uncomfortable simply follow the process listed below.

Feel It. When you feel uncomfortable or find yourself putting off doing what you know you should be doing, take a moment and feel it. Simply pause, take a breath and ask yourself, “What am I feeling in this moment?”

Release It. After taking a moment and seeing just what you are feeling try to pin point where you feel it and give it a label. For example, I am feeling anxiety and I feel it in my stomach area. Do not complicate this. Once you have identified the feeling take a deep breath and release it to the universe.

Relink the feeling to a positive anchor. After the release simply replace the feeling with a positive affirmation. The ‘I Am…’ affirmations work best with this exercise. Let’s say that you had a feeling of anxiety about talking to your boss. After the release simply affirm, “I am strong and confident!” and then go to it.

What this powerful technique does is reprograms the subconscious on the spot. We procrastinate when we step outside the comfort because of our programmed fears.

Tags: procrastination, mind, stress, feel, relax