Go for Emotional Freedom Technique

Course: 7 Steps to Vibrant Living: You Deserve to Find Joy Now

Goal: Roots: Nourishing the Heart

EFT combines the physical benefits of acupuncture with the cognitive benefits of talk therapy for a much faster and more complete treatment of emotional issues.

Although related to acupuncture, EFT does not use needles. Instead it is done by focusing in on specific issues and using the fingertips to tap certain meridian points on the body. EFT appears to balance blocks in the meridian system and can be effective in a relatively short amount of time, even minutes. The nice thing about EFT is that it can be done anywhere at any time and can provide impressive do-it-yourself results. You can look EFT up on YouTube and receive step-by-step instruction on how to use it.

Working with Children

you can use EFT for young children ages 5 and 7, if they have an emotional meltdown or get upset. Do some tapping on them while having them repeat some words of release and replace (for example, “I release all of my anger, frustration, sadness or worry and replace it with peace, happiness and joy.”) Usually this process results in a giggle fest and within a matter of a couple of minutes, the emotional upset is gone.

Another technique you may use on children to help release negative emotions is to draw a large heart on a piece of paper and talk to them about how their heart is feeling. Make them color out their emotions in the heart. They can scribble and just let out any negative emotions while they are coloring and you keep talking them through it.

You end by again drawing another heart and letting them decorate it to show how much better they are feeling. The two hearts would look very different. The later one is usually decorated and colored in lighter and prettier colors and they’ll put scallops on the happy heart or draw flowers. They can tell that after this little mini process, they do feel better.

Tags: Meridian system EFT Emotions