Let Go and Accept "What Is" - Forgive and Love

Course: 7 Steps to Vibrant Living: You Deserve to Find Joy Now

Goal: Roots: Nourishing the Heart

“Let It Go” is what we must do to put down the extra emotional baggage that we are carrying around. Try any of following:

Forgive the Ones you have Grudge onto

When we hold on to any resentment, we are only hurting ourselves. It keeps us in a negative state and vibration, and we tend to attract more of that into our lives. Just to be able to accept “what is” is very liberating and allows us to let go and live in the present.

Put out Positive Emotions

We don’t necessarily attract what we want in our lives, but we attract what we are. For example, if you are constantly and continually giving out love, then you are going to be receiving love. If you are putting out negative vibes towards others then you’ll also get that back into your life. So, it seems obvious that we want to put out as much positive into the world as we can.

Send Out Love

Try an experiment today. Go throughout your day and think, say and do as many loving things as you can. Then check in to see how you feel and where your emotions are. It is a sure way to raise your energy vibration, lift those around you and just give you an overall warm and cozy feeling inside. When love flows in our lives, it opens up our hearts.

When we withhold our love, our hearts begin to shrivel and close. It is a form of protection from the harshness of life. It is easy to slip into that pattern. Start the experiment and witness the happiness of those you touch and watch the love flow right back to you.

Tags: Heart, love, Peace, Life