Set Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly and Daily Goals

Course: 7 Steps to Vibrant Living: You Deserve to Find Joy Now

Goal: Trunk: Setting up Systems and Structures

One of the most powerful tools is simply writing to get ideas and thoughts out of your brain and onto paper. This creates space in brains for more ideas to come as well. Make a list of everything you need or would like to do. Then set five year, one year, quarterly, monthly, and weekly goals. When you lay it out like this, you can see that you can have it all - just not all at the same time!

Once you get things written out and can see a bigger picture, everything becomes more doable. You can enjoy the journey, live in the present moment, and focus on one thing at a time. It is much more likely that you will accomplish something if it is written down. In fact, only around 3% of the population actually writes down goals. Once a goal is written down, it gets programmed into your subconscious brain, especially if you focus on it. You are then much more likely to accomplish it.

As you participate in this activity, you can pace yourself in a realistic way that works best for you. You don’t need to beat yourself up for not getting more accomplished but just understand that there is a perfect time to do everything.

Five, three and one-year goals help you to see the bigger picture and how to fit your desires and interests into your life. Quarterly goals give you three months to work on a larger project that you’ve been meaning to do but never find the time. Monthly goals are just smaller items that need a shorter time frame. You repeat the process for your weekly and daily goals.

Tags: Goal, System, Time, Acheivement