Timing:1 times per Day
Write out your feelings and put them down on paper. Just write and write until those negative emotions are discharged. It is okay and even desirable to experience the charged emotions as you are writing because this allows you to discharge and release it. It doesn’t matter what you write, but just the act of writing gets the emotion out of your body and onto paper.
Once you’ve written until you no longer feel the negative charge of the emotion, then simply crumple up the paper and throw it away or even burn it. As you do this step, say to yourself, “I release all of these negative emotions, and I replace them with love, forgiveness, joy and peace.” You may say a prayer to accompany the release. It is important to replace with the positive, otherwise you’ve just opened up a space within you that may leave you vulnerable to having other negative experiences come in, versus consciously choosing to fill it with the positive.