Visualization Meditation

In Rabiya Manzoor's plan
Goal: Techniques

Timing:When you meditate.


The Practice

  • You can record this meditation in your own voice and play it during your meditation session.
  • Sit comfortably with your back straight and close your eyes. Inhale and exhale deeply. With each inhalation, breathe in health, happiness, joy… With each exhalation, breathe out tensions, worries, diseases, negativity.
  •  Continue for four to five breaths. Allow your body to completely relax.
  •  Let there be no tension anywhere. If you wish, you can make any final adjustments to your posture.
  • Bring back your awareness to your breath. Notice how with each breath you are becoming more and more deeply relaxed.
  • Feel the relaxation gently spreading to all body parts in a soothing blue light. Inhale and exhale. Release all tensions and worries.
  • See yourself in a beautiful garden with trees all around you. Your feet are bare and you can feel the soft grass underneath them. It’s a lovely sunny day and you can feel warm sunshine on your face and on your skin. Notice the lovely flowers in pink, blue, lilac and yellow all around you.
  •  The beautiful fragrance of the flowers, the chirping of the birds and the sound of children playing is filling your heart with joy and happiness.
  • With every breath that you are taking, you are absorbing the vitality, the greenery, the fresh fragrance, and the joy of your surroundings.
  •  You tell yourself, “I am so happy. My life is perfect. I love myself and everything in my life.” Your heart becomes filled with an abundance of love and profound joy. You feel grateful for everything that you are experiencing at that moment and you know that everything in your life is turning out for your highest good. You say to yourself, “I am strong. I am happy. I am wonderful. I am at peace.”
  • Slowly bring back your awareness… Move your fingers, move your toes… Rub your palms together, gently place them on your eyes and slowly open your eyes.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Copied from: Visualization Meditation
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