Body Scan Meditation for Stress Release

In Rabiya Manzoor's plan
Goal: Techniques

Timing:When you meditate.

  • Sit comfortably in a quiet, peaceful place.
  • Keep your spine erect and focus on breathing deeply.
  • After a few deep breaths, take your attention to your left toe. Silently say in your mind, “My toe is completely relaxed. I am completely relaxed.” Move your attention to your left foot, “My foot is completely relaxed. I am completely relaxed.”
  • Come up to your left ankle, “My ankle is completely relaxed. I am completely relaxed.” Move your attention to your left shin, “My shin is completely relaxed. I am completely relaxed.” Moving up to your left knee, “My knee is completely relaxed. I am completely relaxed.” Move your attention up to your left thigh, “My thigh is completely relaxed. I am completely relaxed. Move your attention to your right toe, “My toe is completely relaxed. I am completely relaxed.” Move your attention to your right foot, “My foot is completely relaxed. I am completely relaxed.” Come up to your right ankle, “My ankle is completely relaxed. I am completely relaxed.” Move your attention to your right shin, “My shin is completely relaxed. I am completely relaxed.”
  •  I am completely relaxed.” Move up to your cheeks, “My cheeks are completely relaxed. I am completely relaxed.” Move your attention to your nose, “My nose is completely relaxed. I am completely relaxed.” Move up to your eyes, “My eyes are completely relaxed. I am completely relaxed.” Repeat this several times in your mind while feeling that the relaxation is deepening more and more with each breath. Remain in this deeply-relaxed state, focusing completely on your breath. Enjoy the peace and tranquility you are feeling.
  • If any disturbing thoughts come to your mind, then gently bring your mind back. Recall the happiest moment of your life and allow your heart become full of joy.
  • Relive that moment as if it was happening in the here and now. Enjoy and cherish the experience as it is happening right here at this moment!
  • When you are ready to come out of the meditation, first bring your awareness back by gently moving your toes and fingers.
  • Then slowly interlock your fingers together and stretch them above your head. Turn to one side with your eyes still closed and slowly sit up. Rub your palms together and slowly open your eyes.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Copied from: Body Scan Meditation for Stress Release
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