#3 Recieve Acupuncture

In Briana's plan
Goal: Physical Technique

Timing:When you Day


The first acupuncture-based text that we know of was the Nei Ching Su Wen (Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic), and it was written between 475-221 BC. Many years of knowledge are behind this handy technique.

In case you’re not familiar with acupuncture, it involves pricking the skin with very thin, small needles along energy lines called meridians in order to alleviate pain and treat various physical and emotional maladies.

For stress-related issues, it is recommended to begin with a series of six to ten sessions for a week or two. Then the treatments can be spaced out to once a week or once every two weeks depending on your response. Eventually, you can easily drop in for a “tune-up” a few times a year or when you are hitting an especially low point and need a boost. Your acupuncturist will be able to evaluate and determine the best plan of treatment for your particular issue and your individual health status.

Finding an acupuncturist is simple.

First, know the difference between a licensed acupuncturist and a certified acupuncturist.  This is a no-brainer, folks— go for the individual with the most training!

Next, decide whether to see an acupuncturist that specializes in stress management or one who has a more general background. You can go to a website like www.AcuFinder.com or www.nccaom.org and find a professional in your area, or even ask around locally for some helpful suggestions. When you narrow your choices down, check out references from prior patients, too.

Finally, make your appointment and get started.


Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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