#7 Exercise

In Briana's plan
Goal: Physical Technique

Timing:1 times per Day

  • The connoisseur

Do you thrive on performing sports and exercise with perfect form? Then get involved in a sport that links body performance and mind power. Martial arts, dancing, and cerebral sports like golf and weightlifting are some that come to mind.

  • The Challenger

You love to do what no one has done before— participate in an exercise that lets you set a goal and then break through it! Your goal can be a 1K, 3K, or 5K run or even a marathon. It can be a goal to lift a certain amount of weight or enter a contest. It can even be a decision to learn a new dance style and then find a dance competition that will let you strut your stuff.

  • Social Butterfly

You thrive on working out with others— working out alone only adds to your anxiety. No worries, join a jogging club, take a yoga class, go all in for some group personal training, or participate in a team sport like soccer or volleyball.

  • Allergic to Activity

You think you hate to exercise. What you need is a way to combine an activity you love with some movement. Listening to audiobooks or your favorite tunes while you walk, cycle, row or do whatever moves you will help you focus on what you like while getting what you need.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

Copied from: #7 Exercise
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