#5 Use Stress-Relief Technology

In Briana's plan
Goal: Mental Technique

Timing:When you Day


Biofeedback Tools

  1. Electromyography  (detects muscle action)
  2. Feedback  thermometers (detects skin temperatures)
  3. Electrodermograph  (measures skin electrical activity)
  4. Electroencephalograph  (measures brain activity)
  5. Photoplethysmography (measures blood flow through a finger)
  6. Electrocardiograph  (measures heart rate)
  7. Pneumograph  (detects respiration rate)
  8. Capnometer  (detects quality of breathing— shallow, deep or rapid)
  9. Rheoencephalography  (measures brain blood flow)
  10. Hemoencephalography  (uses infrared images to show the difference between oxygenated and unoxygenated blood in the brain)

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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