Manage Your Time Efficiently

In Lewis C's plan
Goal: Improve Productivity

Timing:1 times per Day


1. You must know your goals.

2. Plan your day ahead— every day. Write it down.

3. Establish priorities.

4. Tackle tough and important jobs first.

5. Schedule “block times” of thirty to sixty minutes when you are not to be interrupted so you can work on a major task.

6. Divide large tasks into smaller ones and then tackle them one at a time until they are all done.

7. Delegate to others tasks that you are not expert in.

8. Hire a personal assistant.

9. List similar tasks together so they are completed at the same time.

10. Use idle time wisely, for example to clean and organize your desk and to plan for the next day.

11. De-clutter your desk.

12. Don’t be a perfectionist.

13. Avoid procrastinating.

14. Limit the number of meetings you have every day.

15. Learn to say no to tasks that are not related to your goals.

16. Learn to say no to yourself.

17. Minimize socializing at work.

18. Avoid micro-management.

19. Take a break when you need to. Rest so that you are not exhausted and emotionally drained.

Improve your efficiency with a healthy lifestyle. Eat healthy, and exercise regularly.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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