Tip 3. Add “2 Golden Hours” to your daily life

Course: 9 Life Power Tips

Goal: Improve Your Life

Timing:1 times per Day


No matter how busy you think you are or how little time you believe you have, this will transform the way you view time. Include 2 Golden Hours into every day. These can be one after the other or two separate hours.

  • One is for relaxed time e.g. reading inspiring books, listing to motivational audios, brainstorming desires for your life, creating projects.
  • The other is an hour during which you focus and work on automatic, mundane tasks e.g. clearing your files, organizing a cupboard, attending to overdue emails.

For example  is a list of some mundane tasks you ought to check. Performing this will unclutter yourl life.

Schedule these two hours and stick to what you said! You’ll then have included 60 very productive hours to each month.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.