Technique #6 – Practice Gratitude

In Christopher Bueker's plan
Goal: 25 Techniques

Timing:When you want to become enlightened.


 A spiritual person is grateful for what they have. The ability to see all the wonderful things you have been given will help you become a more spiritual person. It is easy to get used to what we have, as if these things are our right, and forget that they came to us from somewhere else, from someone else. This awareness does not come naturally; you have to consciously choose to see all the great things you have in your life.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

There are several ways how one can practice gratitude... If anyone needs helps then this Lifehack's 40 ways are great !

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Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

It's a beautiful place.. and despite of everything it is beautiful. Every sunshine, starlit nights make me appreciate and thank God for giving me this life.


Life is one and beautiful! 

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