Technique # 11 – Help Others

In Christopher Bueker's plan
Goal: 25 Techniques

Timing:When you see someone need some help.


 Helping others goes hand in hand with fostering compassion. Lending a helping hand increases spirituality and inner peace. Spiritual people often perform selfless acts. They are able to respond to the needs of others because they have the inner spiritual strength to look beyond their own needs.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

I have always been a helpful person. I can't see someone in pain. However, I also consider if the person is capable of helping himself or not. But,I do something without any reasonings. I feed stray dogs - actually just one who lives near my home. 

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Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

I helped an old lady to cross the road. So weak was she. What made me angry was the fact that her son left her alone. She got no home. I ranged my office to inform I would be late. And took her to an old age home. I really can't believe how can anyone do this. 


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