Technique #23 – Find a Teacher

In Christopher Bueker's plan
Goal: 25 Techniques

Timing:When you want to become enlightened.


 You can learn a lot about different things from books and videos, but sometimes what you read will not hit home until you have someone to teach you. Seek a teacher who is a priest or pastor. If you opt for a New Age approach, seek out a Reiki Master or another type of practitioner.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

Sometime we all need a teacher a guide who can bring us to the light! When we are lost in our own worries, fear, frustration, we forget what is right and what is wrong! That is when we need a teacher. It could be mom, dad or even a friend! 

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Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

So, far I didn't approach anyone to help me enlighten myself. But, I am following blogs and books. Yes, there is a difference. I feel, my thoughts are elevated..


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