• Be aware of environmental triggers.

In laurie's plan
Goal: Overcome Your Addictive Behavior with Urge Surfing Technique

Timing:When environment triggers addictive behavior in you.


Often times our addictive behaviors are influenced by certain triggers in our environment. For example, hanging around at a bar makes it harder to resist the temptation to drink alcohol than if you were hanging out at a cafe instead. In the same way, associating with certain people may make you more likely to engage in an addictive behavior than if you chose a different group of friends to associate with. Being mindful of these environmental triggers can be an important part of urge surfing and better understanding your addiction. Learn to avoid these triggers in the future and you’ll have an easier time overcoming these negative habits.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

Copied from: • Be aware of environmental triggers.
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