Make Good Decisions Efficiently

Course: Upgrade Your Mind

Goal: Upgrade Your Mind

Timing:When you are making a decision.


A key benefit of mental mastery is being able to make good decisions. If your mind keeps thinking itself in circles, you have a mental defect to overcome.

A well-managed mind is decisive but also flexible. It can weigh options quickly and carefully, get into action, and adjust course as needed.

Some people are too hesitant. Some people are too reckless. Both are symptoms of a weak decision-making process. Fortunately you can train yourself to make quality decisions in a reasonable amount of time, act on them, and adapt as you go. This requires a combination of skills, but they’re all learnable.

When your mind is well-trained, you’ll also enjoy making decisions more, especially important ones. It’s stimulating and rewarding to direct your mind to carefully consider options and make a wise and intelligent choice.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

Tags: good decision making techniques