More fruits and vegetables

Course: Keep Your Heart Healthy

Goal: 3. A heart healthy diet

Timing:When you are eating


A diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains are good for your heart. Try to avoid unhealthy fats otherwise make sure that they don’t exceed 10% of your calories. DASH or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension and Mediterranean diets are two heart-healthy diet plans. Here’s a comprehensive list of important things that you need to consider in your diet;

More fruits and vegetables – to improve your blood pressure.

  • Have five servings of fruits and vegetables daily.
  • Go for fresh or frozen fruits without any added salt or fat. Such frozen fruits and vegetables retain the vitamin and the minerals of the fresh ones.
  • Instead of candy you can opt for two tbsp. of dried fruits.
  • Include them in your regular snacks; there is a wide range of fruits & vegetables that you can never be tired of.
  • Try to include them as the main part at least once in a day.

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Sara Young Cddd

Not sure whether I was feeling lonely bored or what.. I just wanted to feel good and went to the freezer.. Wanted to have a soda.. Took it out even.. Then something stroke me.. I am just loosing the control and gathered myself and I put it back.

I went to the fruit basket instead and prepared a salad , fruit salad took a fork and started to enjoy a noon movie with it.. Then a glass of water with lil' lime and salt. Honestly it has been heaven.. This was how I prepared my snack with fruit and at the same time got over my craving for soda... Jolly Good isn't it?

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Sara Young Cddd

I have made it a point to have fruits and vegetables everyday. Why to take vitamin pills when we can have it naturally???

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Sara Young Cddd

tried this... it is definitely been a off the track recipe for me but a real delicacy .... Rainbow Fruit Kebobs

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Sara Young Cddd

Check out the vegan recipes here. Even my kid finish the whole of it.. One word Yummy.

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Sara Young Cddd

Made vegan based pasta with peper chicken today. Homely and healthy. Had a whole apple in breakfast.

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Sara Young Cddd

Smoothies and juices (vegetable and fruits both) would be a part of the breakfast table. Pete loves the strawberry smoothies.

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Sara Young Cddd

Going to grow vegetables, especially the fall produce. I'm going to adapt gardening in my leisre hours. Nice na?

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Sara Young Cddd

papaya salad in breakfast after a small workout.. Great morning

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