Avoid unhealthy fat and cholesterol

Course: Keep Your Heart Healthy

Goal: 3. A heart healthy diet

Timing:When you are eating


A diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains are good for your heart. Try to avoid unhealthy fats otherwise make sure that they don’t exceed 10% of your calories. DASH or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension and Mediterranean diets are two heart-healthy diet plans. Here’s a comprehensive list of important things that you need to consider in your diet;



Avoid unhealthy fat and cholesterol to lower the cholesterol

  • Avoid saturated fat; keep it less than 10% of your daily calories.
  • Use unsaturated fat and oil for cooking like olive oil, canola oil, soya oil and sunflower oil.
  • Avoid taking butter, lard, hydrogenated margarine, cream sauces, coconut, cocoa butter, bacon fat and so on.
  • If you have LDL or bad cholesterol, lower it than 200 mg. daily.
  • Make sure that your total fat intake is less than 30% of your daily calorie intake.
  • For salad dressing, choose oil based dressings in place of creamy ones.
  • Try grilled, boiled, baked, broiled or steamed food and avoid having fried food.

Tags: low fat, low cholestrol

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Sara Young Cddd

From the last few weeks, I am having less or no skin problems. I know the unhealthy fats are really taty but sometime I have to think of health. WHo says healthy food with healthy fat are not tasty..

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Sara Young Cddd

I may not have logged this piece of detil but for last two weeks, I have replaced butter, cream, saturated oil with olive and sunflower oil. While cooking I go for broiled or grilled one. Now NO FRIES....


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