Include fiber in your diet

Course: Keep Your Heart Healthy

Goal: 3. A heart healthy diet

Timing:When you are eating


DASH or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension and Mediterranean diets are two heart-healthy diet plans. Here’s a comprehensive list of important things that you need to consider in your diet;

Include fiber in your diet – suggestive 20g to 30g regularly.

  • Sources of fiber; wheat, rye, bran, oats, peelings of fruits and vegetables, whole grain pasta, brown rice, ground flaxseed, whole grain flour, whole grain bread, etc.
  • Include high fiber cereal with 5g or more fiber in a serving.
  • Don’t rush to make changes, begin slowly then increase it.
  • Increase water consumption along with fiber, they work hand in hand.
  • While shopping, read food label first and choose one with highest fiber content.


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Sara Young Cddd

Anyone facing trouble or having confusion what to eat when it comes to fiber.. Here are some smart ways to include fiber in your diet.I know since I have applied these ways and trust me on this.. Really Works.

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Sara Young Cddd

wheat rye are now my breakfast and super.. I make sure I drink enough water to digest and keep my system clean.. even vegetables have high fiber content... just came to know

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Sara Young Cddd

Skimmed milk, cornflakes with honey and nuts....... that's my lazily morning breakfast. Gave a healthy kickstart to my morning after swimming.

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Sara Young Cddd

3 liter of water every day..

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