Nuts & Seeds in snacks

Course: Keep Your Heart Healthy

Goal: 3. A heart healthy diet

Timing:When you are having snacks


Nuts and seeds are great snacks. They contain important nutrients like Vitamin E, Plant Sterol, Unsaturated fats, Fiber, L-arginine, Omega-3 fatty acids which lowers low-density lipoprotein or LDL or bad cholesterol. It improves the lining of the arteries and thus reduces risk of fatal heart diseases.


Nuts & Seeds is of 80% fat, though healthy one. So you are advised to have only in small serving.

  • 5-6 nuts are a serving size for nuts like walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews, almonds, and mixed nuts.
  • Select dry roasted rather than cooked in oil.
  • Avoid nuts that are coated with chocolate, salt or sugar. They are no good for your heart.
  • To settle on the serving size for other nuts and seeds read the food labels.
  • Nut oils also contain omega-3, saturated fats but no fiber. Don’t over heat it tastes bitter. Use it moderation.


Tags: nuts and seeds

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Sara Young Cddd

I mostly have roasted cashews and almonds. 

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Sara Young Cddd

Almonds in morning .... I made a note to have it every morning. I just read it somewhere having overnight soaked almond.

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Sara Young Cddd

An awesome guide to nuts and seeds.. I am going to follow it up. what to eat, what not to, what is their nutritional value and so on.. even how to have them.. Mindblown.... take a look yourself

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Sara Young Cddd
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