Eating Out

Course: Keep Your Heart Healthy

Goal: 4. Treat yourself, but with care

It is okay to grab on to outside food once in a while. But be careful while doing so as they are rich in fat, calories and sodium.

  • Call for food that is low on fat, salt. Follow the strategies as you do at home.
  • Plan beforehand what you would order.
  • Avoid food with creamy sauce or toppings.
  • Choose food item that are grilled, steamed or boiled. Avoid fried food.

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Sara Young Cddd

The good news is that I am in good shape and healthy .. it calls for a treat. Eating out with my hubby, and kids .. I am really happy..........

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Sara Young Cddd

Today was my "Eating Out" though I did't take a trip to any restuarant, but I just fulfilled the wish of my tastebuds. Yup its not for me but I am fine and on it I just kept it low.. Its Mutton Keema

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Sara Young Cddd

Am going to be very busy for the rest of the day packing. Not exactly a eating out plan, but it's a weekend trip with my family. Am excited.

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