Sleep well

Course: Keep Your Heart Healthy

Goal: 6. Getting Quality Sleep

Timing:1 times per Day


Quality Sleep

Without enough sleep one have a higher risk of overweight, high blood pressure, depression, diabetes, heart attack. Adults need 8 to 9 hours of sound sleep every night. If you wake up without alarm clock and feel rejuvenated, then you had a good sleep. In case you are struggling to get out of your bed, then perhaps your sleep has been incomplete.

  • Schedule a time for getting to sleep and a time to bed up. Maintain it every day.
  • It is easier to sleep when your room is dark and quiet.
  • Talk to your doctor if you are yawning or feeling tired even after enough sleep. If you are waking up with a headache, snoring loudly or wake up many times sleeping then you are like to have Sleep Apnea. CPAP treatment reduces the threat of heart disease caused by Sleep Apnea.


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Sara Young Cddd

I am having some problem in getting a proper quality sleep these days perhaps for last 10 days. Often I woke up in the middle of the night.. Sometime I woke up after every one hour. I am pretty confused.. Honestly this is keeping me tired all the day long. Neither I can workout vigorously nor focus....

What I should be doing?

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Sara Young Cddd

I am having some problem in getting a proper quality sleep these days perhaps for last 10 days. Often I woke up in the middle of the night.. Sometime I woke up after every one hour. I am pretty confused.. Honestly this is keeping me tired all the day long. Neither I can workout vigorously nor focus....

What I should be doing?

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Sara Young Cddd

Need to take a complete nap....

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Sara Young Cddd

I sleep for 8 hours only.. Me tired today after all the activities and fun.. Just a nap. Cya

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Sara Young Cddd

Maintained time schedule for sleep for months now. But today I have been yawning.. Perhaps my body need a few hours of rest more. Would go to bed early tonight.

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