Plans and Features

          Starter          Course Master PREMIUM



Depends on options

Public course with unlimited students
Editable activities
Activity-specific forums (blogs)
Course Widget for your blog or website
Paid courses
We convert your first course
Free Private courses
Integration in your Facebook page
Course integrated on your site
Course integrated on your site with styling *
Whitelabeled Phone Application
Consultation with expert course marketer

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What the options mean:

Editable Activities

Activities can be edited by anyone in their personal plan  

Activities can come from a course, another user, or be created from scratch

Course Widget for your Blog or Web page

Your readers will understand in a glimpse how to put your content in practice.

 Provides a Clear overview of your course - easy to understand what's actionable

 Readers can add any (or all) activities from your course to their personal plan

Integration in your Facebook page

Your courses directly on your facebook page in a tab.
See our sample here.

Your audience stays on your Facebook page following your course(s)

Your course(s) will be on a tab of your Facebook page

Paid Courses

Charge for your course. Earn from what you share!

We take a small percentage and wave the setup fee once you generate revenue

Course Conversion

Have courses on another platforms (Udemy, Skillshare, etc.)? We convert your first one.

We take your the course of your choosing and convert it to an activity tracked course on our platform following marketing best practices.

To have us convert a course use the link below:

Note: The first one is included with the Course Master or Premium plans
Convert Course ($9.99)

Course integrated on your site

Have people spend more time on your website, immersed in your brand

Your course(s) can be on your website, seamlessly integrated. It can have your site's look and feel.

Consultation with expert course marketer

Not sure how to approach your course and how to market it?

Get the most out of your course with a marketing strategy tailored to your material and what you wish to get out of the courses.

This can be one session to create a marketing strategy, or ongoing consultations

Whitelabeled Phone Application

Do you want to increase engagment of your course, available whenever and wherever your audience is?

Get your course as a phone app your audience can download and interact with.

Request a Personalized Demo

* Contact Us for personalized pricing and options