Things to remember

In samiul's plan
Goal: 2. Exercise daily

Timing:When you are exercising



In order to keep your heart in a healthy condition, you need not to be a diehard sportsperson.All you need is a workout plan that not only reduces the risk factors, but at the same time improves your stamina, potency and flexibility. An active life with regular exercise lowers the bad cholesterol and boosts the good cholesterol, burns the calories and maintains a healthy blood pressure. Even moderate exercise for just 30 minutes would make a huge difference.

Before starting with exercising, you need to understand a few things.

How much you should exercise?

  • In case of moderate exercise, it is recommended working out for 150 mins every week. It depends upon you how will you break and schedule it.
  • In case of intense exercise, you can do it for three days for 25 mins each or 75 minutes of high intensive work out regime. However, if you can exercise for longer, but increase the length gradually so that it doesn’t affect you.


  1. Before you take up exercising do speak to your doctor once, if it is okay with you and what kind of exercises you should do.
  2. While working out, if you have a sudden chest pain, or heart beat racing up, tired or dizzy stop at once. Keep your eyes open to those signs.
  3. Initially you would be having sore, which is absolutely normal and there is no need to be worried about that. Soon enough they will be gone and you will be excited when you feel fresh after you work out.

Copied from: Things to remember
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Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Time to recall.. some important facts.. how much should I work out and everything.

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Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Working out as my instructor as specified...............

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Sara Young Cddd

Points noted. My doctor advised me to go slow in the beginning. Then as I loose I may take up running. wish me luck..

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