Step #3: Create a morning routine filled with simple habits.


Goal: 4 Steps to Maximize Your Sleep and Energy Levels

Timing:1 times per Day


Identify a handful of habits that make you feel energized. Start your day by building these activities into your routine. Keep the routine simple and only focus on the habits that start your day on the right foot.


For instance, you can spend a few minutes doing some of the following:

  • Reading an inspirational article or blog post
  • Thinking of things you are grateful for (working on happiness)
  • Journaling your thoughts
  • Writing down a short list of what you’ll accomplish in the day
  • Sending a positive, loving message to your spouse or kids
  • Meditating or praying
  • Organizing your possessions or decluttering your home

Another approach is Hal Elrod’s “Miracle Morning.” Frankly, some people don’t want to guess at what they need to do every morning. That’s why many folks love Hal’s S.A.V.E.R.S. routine:

  • Silence
  • Affirmations
  • Visualization
  • Exercise
  • Reading
  • Scribing

Hal recommends spending 10 minutes on each activity. If you do them every day, you’ll begin each morning feeling inspired, energized and ready to maximize the next 12 to 14 hours of your day. You don’t have to pick a specific type of routine.

The important thing is to make a ritual out of them so you don’t realize at lunch time that you still have breakfast on your teeth because you forgot to floss in the morning.

For more details kindly refer to the book


Tags: morning routine

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Sara Young Cddd

Great line "Some days you just have to create your own sunshine” .. makes me feel in charge of my own life.

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Sara Young Cddd

Every morning I started to write down my own morning thought. It keeps me positive. Further, I play some music, meditate. Have lots of water and juice.


Simple and healthy habits .....

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Sara Young Cddd

Quoting my morning thought;

"Thank you Lord, for this wonderful  sunshine, for giving me another day to shine among my loved ones. I feel so blessed to have you and my kids and love of my life with me. Keep them happy and in good health... Coz I live in them, like you do in me. Thank you soo much"

It was a pray, and a thank you..

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Sara Young Cddd

“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive -to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” ... Marcus Aurelius.

Further, I read this article.. What an infographic... Check out Aha moments from Personal Excellence.



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Sara Young Cddd

This is my favorite activity.

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