Level up your day
This book is built on the premise that, rather than restricting you or robbing you of freedom, daily routines help you to live a more fulfilling life. If you’ve struggled with routines in the past, we understand. As shared above, both Steve and Rebecca have experienced that struggle themselves, and overcome it. This book provides a methodical approach to help you do the same.

Rebecca Livermore is the owner of Professional Content Creation, and a freelance writer and content strategy consultant for small businesses. She not only writes but also learned that the key to making a living writing isn’t sheer talent or connections (though those things help), but following this mantra: “Writers write.” She’s married and the mom of two young adults. Naturally creative and disorganized, Rebecca is great at organizing things on paper— and then losing the piece of paper. Routines helped Rebecca go from dreaming about things to doing them. She’s convinced that if she can develop good daily routines, anyone can. Steve (or “S.J.”) runs the blog Develop Good Habits. The goal of his site is to show how continuous habit development can lead to a better life. His goal is to show how you can make lasting changes by developing one quality habit at a time. By carefully structuring his week, Steve has a lot of freedom to enjoy a variety of activities when he’s not working. As you can see, this book is a collaborative effort between Steve and Rebecca. We both provide bits of knowledge from our personal experiences.

External url: http://www.developgoodhabits.com/ , http://professionalcontentcreation.com/

4 Steps to Maximize Your Sleep and Energy Levels
5 Steps to Maximize Your Eating Habits
4 Steps for Adding Exercise to Your Daily Routine
5 Steps to Streamline Your Routine Activities
7 Simple Steps for Being Productive
3 Steps to Live a Fuller Life

Kindly read in the next tab

  • Timing: Once

Sara Young Cddd

I can relate myself to some of the sections mentioned.. Monkey mind!! I never knew I was actually facing these problems, but I was. Since, I never been able to address my problems I could never take a step to resolve them. Thank you Steve.. hank you Rebecca... I am going to read your book even!! Thank you for your help.

Ana, what a wonderful effort from your end.. I am really fond of your blogs and courses.

Hugs & Kisses! Sara

Even if you love to work, you can’t do it constantly from morning until late at night— at least not for the long haul.

What you might not know is that when you get the right amount of sleep, you will have more energy and drive to do great things in the other five areas of your life.

The trick is to know at what time you work best, and then do your most essential tasks at this time. This is where daily routines come in, because they help you both identify and maximize those peak times for the six areas of your life.

Treat your peak hours as the most valuable by using them to complete the most important tasks on your list.

If you aren’t already aware of when your energy is at its peak, then monitor your behavior for a week. We suggest you keep a journal of how you feel and when you get the most done during different times of day. Identify the moments when you feel super productive.

Sara Young Cddd

I think I need to track down my routine work a week first.. I will know what was wrong in my routine then. Accordingly, I can streamline my priorities...

If you consistently have problems getting high-quality sleep, start by following the tips mentioned earlier—

  1. Keep a regular sleeping schedule.
  2. Cut the caffiene.
  3. Eat foods that enhance sleep.
  4. Block out noise.
  5. Shhut off electronics at least an hour before bed.
  6. Block out light.
  7. Make your bed comfortable and inviting.
  8. Think happy thoughts.
  9. Keep a sleep log.

Once you do that consistently, move on to creating a full bedtime routine.

For more details kindly refer to the book

Sara Young Cddd

For 3 times in last two weeks, I suddenly woke up sweating profusely. I tried to google about it ...found it to be sleep terror. It is happens for another time this week, I think I need to see my doctor. My eyes are burning red....

Sara Young Cddd

These days I changed a lot about my sleeping pattern. It was good. I wake up active now. And no more hitting the snooze button.

Sara Young Cddd

Food that helps to sleep better!!!

Heard from some of my Asian friends, that rice makes them sleepy. Some eat them thrice a day! Would try it.

Sara Young Cddd

It has been more than 3 weeks, I made sure to maintain a good sleep. I maintained a sleep log, blocked the noice, keep the lights off, no phone, no laptops... Intially, I have difficulty could not sleep.. but after a week or so I fell on the bed and started yawning..

I mean.. I just snooze withini 5 minutes hitting the bed..

Really it is working..

Sara Young Cddd

Yeah... I do have trouble with my sleep. It is not the same everyday.. Someday I am awake till late.. Just because I can't sleep.. EEER!! All day I am just yawning then!

Would log my improvements here..

Identify a handful of habits that make you feel energized. Start your day by building these activities into your routine. Keep the routine simple and only focus on the habits that start your day on the right foot.


For instance, you can spend a few minutes doing some of the following:

  • Reading an inspirational article or blog post
  • Thinking of things you are grateful for (working on happiness)
  • Journaling your thoughts
  • Writing down a short list of what you’ll accomplish in the day
  • Sending a positive, loving message to your spouse or kids
  • Meditating or praying
  • Organizing your possessions or decluttering your home

Another approach is Hal Elrod’s “Miracle Morning.” Frankly, some people don’t want to guess at what they need to do every morning. That’s why many folks love Hal’s S.A.V.E.R.S. routine:

  • Silence
  • Affirmations
  • Visualization
  • Exercise
  • Reading
  • Scribing

Hal recommends spending 10 minutes on each activity. If you do them every day, you’ll begin each morning feeling inspired, energized and ready to maximize the next 12 to 14 hours of your day. You don’t have to pick a specific type of routine.

The important thing is to make a ritual out of them so you don’t realize at lunch time that you still have breakfast on your teeth because you forgot to floss in the morning.

For more details kindly refer to the book


  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Sara Young Cddd

I always invest 10 minutes of my day reading something inspirational and motivating. It enlightens the rest of my day. Today, I was trying to balance my body mind and soul with these 15 tips.

Sara Young Cddd

Great line "Some days you just have to create your own sunshine” .. makes me feel in charge of my own life.

Sara Young Cddd

Every morning I started to write down my own morning thought. It keeps me positive. Further, I play some music, meditate. Have lots of water and juice.


Simple and healthy habits .....

Sara Young Cddd

Quoting my morning thought;

"Thank you Lord, for this wonderful  sunshine, for giving me another day to shine among my loved ones. I feel so blessed to have you and my kids and love of my life with me. Keep them happy and in good health... Coz I live in them, like you do in me. Thank you soo much"

It was a pray, and a thank you..

Sara Young Cddd

“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive -to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” ... Marcus Aurelius.

Further, I read this article.. What an infographic... Check out Aha moments from Personal Excellence.



Sara Young Cddd

This is my favorite activity.

Make a list of a few things you can do to increase your energy throughout the day.

Strategy #1: Take regular breaks.

One of the best ways to renew your energy is to take regular breaks. The key here is to do this throughout the day instead of going on one long break— like most people do during lunch.

Strategy #2: Try naps.

 Naps are a great thing to work into your daily routine. If you tend to run out of steam after lunch, a quick afternoon nap may be just what you need to get more done in the second half of your workday.

Strategy #3: Take quick steps to create more energy.

Creating energy isn’t just a matter of taking breaks throughout the day. There are a number of ways you can create energy without resorting to caffeine. Some of these might seem unusual, but all of them can make you feel invigorated when your energy levels are depleted.

  • Listen to an energizing song.
  • Change socks during the day. It sounds weird, but sometimes just changing your footwear can help you feel fresh and revived.
  • Eat more soluble fiber.
  • Have a healthy, low-carb snack. Too much food will make you more tired, but a small portion of a healthy snack will give you a nice boost.
  • Wash your face with lavender soap..
  • Stand up, stretch and breathe. Sometimes a quick stretch when you’re tired is all it takes to get a nice burst of energy.
  • Dress sharply for work. If you wear a really nice suit or dress that makes you look fantastic, you will get that extra burst of energy.
  • Lose some weight. It is easier said than done, but losing a few pounds makes a big difference when it comes to how energetic you feel.
  • Reduce stress. Stress causes fatigue.
  • Enjoy some revitalizing green tea.
  • Take a walk outside and enjoy nature for a few minutes.
  • Take a cold shower. This option isn’t for the faint of heart, but you might want to give it a try.

While it’s impossible to always feel 100 percent energized, you can quickly “recharge” by paying attention to your energy levels and knowing how to get those much-needed boosts when you’re feeling low.

For more details kindly refer to the book

  • Timing: When you feel tired

Sara Young Cddd

Strategy #3 is more likely. I always prefered a warm shower. But, I realize I feel so sleepy and down all the day. I think there is a strong point in cold shower. I definitely cannot go with ice cold one but can keep it moderately cold enough..

Will return to log my experience soon.

You don’t need to be a gourmet cook or “master chef” here. Just come up with a few quick and healthy breakfast meals you can prepare in less than 10 minutes.

 Learn these recipes by heart and cook them on a regular basis so you can (almost) prepare them in your sleep.

  • Oats 

You can even prepare oatmeal for the entire week ahead of time. Here are instructions for hot oatmeal prepared in advance. If you prefer cold oatmeal (especially when the weather is warm), check out these tips from The Yummy Life for refrigerator oatmeal and oatmeal smoothies.

  • Breakfast Burritos

Breakfast burritos are a great choice, particularly since they can be made in bulk. Depending on what you put into them, you can even freeze them and then heat them in the microwave. This Lifehacker post has great ideas for breakfast burritos.

  • Eggs

Eggs are a great source of protein, and are inexpensive and quick and easy to make. You can make eggs in a mug or simply scramble or fry an egg in just a minute or two.

  • Breakfast on the Go

While it’s ideal to take the time to sit down and eat breakfast before heading out for the day, on some days it may be necessary to grab something to eat on the go. Here are a few ideas for that:

  1.  Homemade breakfast bars
  2. Green smoothies
  3. 34 breakfast recipes

This will make it easier to incorporate breakfast into your daily routine and ensure you get your day off to a healthy start.


  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Sara Young Cddd

  1. Scrambled egg with toast.
  2. Brown bread with sauted vegetables
  3. Oats
  4. Fruits
  5. Skimmed Milk

I alternate these and prepare my week's breakfast. Deliciously healthy.

Sara Young Cddd

It was a delicious week with nutritious food in breakfast.

Sara Young Cddd

Okay I made mango flavored refrigerator oatmeal today. I saved myself time as well as enjoyed my breakfast so much..


Sara Young Cddd

This is great.. Okay I have noted the oatmeal, eggs and smoothies for this week. By weekend I would try the others and then plan the weekly breakfast at ago....

Really blessed!

 It’s not very exciting, but packing your lunch each day of the week minimizes stress and helps eliminate the unhealthy decisions you often make during the workweek.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Leftovers

Put dinner leftovers into lunch-size ontainers for good grab-and-go lunches. Steve’s fiancée does this on a daily basis. Not only does she save money in the process, but she’s also never left wondering what she’ll have in the middle of the day.

  • Salad in a Jar

Add all of the ingredients for a salad to a mason jar in the following order:

  1.  Salad dressing on the bottom.
  2. Then layers of “hard” vegetables such as carrots, radishes, broccoli, bell peppers, etc
  3. Then a layer of protein, such as diced, cooked chicken or chopped, hard-boiled eggs.
  4. Finally, salad greens such as spinach or lettuce on top.

When packed tightly, with the lid on tight, jar salads can easily stay fresh in the fridge for four or five days, so you can make enough on the weekend to last most of the workweek. The key is to keep the greens as far away from the dressing as possible so they don’t get soggy.

  • Homemade Soups, Stews and Chili

Prepare your favorite soups, stews or chili ahead of time and freeze in serving-size containers (that are safe for microwave and oven use). Thaw out a serving and then heat it for a quick, healthy lunch. Rebecca likes to make a few different types on a weekend day, freeze them and have a variety available to use over the course of a month.

  •   Wraps or Sandwiches

Sandwiches have been around for a long time and many of us grew up eating them— and for good reason. They are easy to prepare and make great additions to sack lunches.

The key is to have healthy ingredients on hand to make them. Buy a variety of vegetables and protein options such as low-sodium, nitrate-free lunch meat, eggs and natural peanut butter.

If you want to reduce the amount of carbs in your diet, wraps are a good option. There are even gluten-free options available for many types of wraps.

We often choose the “path of least resistance” when it comes to lunch. It might seem easier to buy a meal near work, but you can make a wiser choice with a little bit of planning. Not only does packing a lunch limit the number of decisions you have to make, it’ll also save you precious time and money.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Sara Young Cddd

I am going out for the day... have to drive. I decided to pack some lunch on the way. I don't want to eat outside.

Sara Young Cddd

I put the last night's stew ans salad in the refrigerator...that was a great way to hv something whenever hungry.

Sara Young Cddd

I put the last night's stew ans salad in the refrigerator...that was a great way to hv something whenever hungry.

This can be as simple as using a paper and pen to plan your meals and shopping list for the week. You could even subscribe to one of the meal planning services mentioned below:

Sara Young Cddd

After being on a meal plan, I have improved my overall health.. lost weight.. It has been hard for I loved junk food but worth not giving up to my cravings...

Sara Young Cddd

I am set with pen and paper.. I may not be able to plan out for a month but next 1 week I got planned. Spaghetti, pancakes, vegetable stir fry, eggs pie and fish... I would be trying some more recipes as well. Gosh, I am super excited.

Many foods, such as canned tuna, whole-wheat pasta (assuming you’re not on a gluten-free diet), canned tomatoes, canned beans, canned fruits/ veggies and popcorn, are the perfect solution when you’re stuck wondering what to eat. If you didn’t do your normal grocery shopping, you can use any of these ingredients to make a quick meal or snack.

  • Timing: When you wonder what to eat

Sara Young Cddd

Today, I went shopping. I picked some vegetables, fruits, nuts, dry fruits. Basically, it was grocery shopping. I am going to make some jam myself. On a strict rule - only healthy food.

Sara Young Cddd

Whole grain pasta, some froxzen fruits, vegetables, nuts and cookies.. getting every organic healthy items stacked..

Come up with a few “when all else fails” meal ideas to make with the non-perishable items you keep in your pantry (along with standard items you keep on hand in your freezer).

  • Timing: When you are hungry

Sara Young Cddd

I am working on some dehydrated recipes.. I will be a nice back-up meal..

Sara Young Cddd

Bowlofdelicacies suggested 20 back up meals. But, I am not sure which one would be great. I never thought I would need it but as a small accident and I am on bed for two days. Now I realize I should have some back up meal.

Managing but working for something better now.

You don’t have to complete a lengthy exercise routine first thing in the morning. Odds are, you already have a number of obligations. All that’s really needed is 10 minutes of movement. You could take a walk, practice yoga or use an app like 7-Minute Workout.

For more details, kindly refer the book

Sara Young Cddd

Not much but yes a bit. Sad that too irregular! I am not doing good.

Sara Young Cddd

I do both yoga and exercise. It is actually 30 minutes routine of my life. But, it helps me in my joint pain. 

Sara Young Cddd

I am following the movement fix's morning stretching routine. I always wanted to feel the more energetic, It would have been good if I could sleep better.

Sara Young Cddd

Adding movement is just a matter of 10 minutes, but it transforms my full day. When I didn't start working out, I used to be lazy and pretty srowsy but now it's full of life. I am superfast and at the end of the day I find time for myself after finishing all the tasks in my hand..


Sara Young Cddd

I think app sounds more persuasive..I tried yoga n other workout. Still there is a chance of not to follow it... I am going to try this out..

Sara Young Cddd

I stretch myself in the morning, and meditate. Apart, I do some light morning workout. That keeps me energetic for the rest of the day... And no joint pains.

Review the eight ideas for getting movement, then commit to doing a few throughout the day.

Idea #1: Ditch the car.

Idea #2: Walk with friends at lunch.

Idea #3: Walk during commercial breaks.

 Idea #4: Take periodic five-minute walking breaks.

Idea #5: Walk while talking.

Idea #6: Don’t stand— pace.

Idea #7: Take the stairs.

Idea #8: Learn while walking.

  • Timing: timing error

Sara Young Cddd

Ditched the car today, after lunch went for aa small 5 minute walk. I didnt feel snoozy after that.

Sara Young Cddd

Basically, I do walk, but it is the idea #3 that I have never tried. So, I would start walking in the commercial breaks even.. Yeah, honestly, in a way it would be 30 mins walk in a day.. Isn't it so?

Pick an activity you think you’d enjoy on a regular basis. This could be something you do at home, outside or at the gym. The key here is to pick an activity that can be scheduled into your daily routine.

Sara Young Cddd

I exercise everyday but now I think I need to improvise my plan.. I found something the best workout plan according to your body.. All I need to do is to find out my body type.

Sara Young Cddd

Done.... Every day without a fail.

Sara Young Cddd

Everyday, yoga for 15 minutes. I stretch, meditate, breathing exercises.... I don't have those joint pains anymore.

Sara Young Cddd

15 DAYS without a single day off. That's an achievement and no cheating for sure.

I feel the change now and no problem to do the wall sit anymore.

Sara Young Cddd

15 DAYS without a single day off. That's an achievement and no cheating for sure.

I feel the change now and no problem to do the wall sit anymore.

Sara Young Cddd

That's tiring!! I am hating the Wall Sit. I just sit down for an hour with a hotbag after doing that. It is killing my time. But some say it is good. But, I just can't do it. I think many of us are in the same boat!

Use one of the apps we mentioned below to stay accountable for your new exercise habit. Don’t be afraid to start small. What’s more important is to stay consistent with the habit instead of trying to hit a specific milestone or exercise for a certain amount of time.

  • Fitbit tracks the number of steps you take each day.
  • Lift.do helps you track many healthy habits such as exercise, healthy food and drink choices and mental and spiritual practices such as gratitude.
  • Jog.fm provides music to run by.
  • Digifit iCardio is focused on cardiovascular health.
  • Fitocracy hooks you up with a personal trainer to help you meet your fitness goals.
  • Map My Fitness maps out running routes in various cities; it also includes a food log.
  • MyFitnessPal is a great app for tracking both diet and exercise.
  • Zombies, Run! makes a game out of running. It motivates you to run farther and faster in an attempt to escape the zombies.

Sara Young Cddd

Tracked and check with the doctor - I am absolutely hale and hearty!

Sara Young Cddd

I used runkeeper. Wow.. I am just so active. I have succeeded in gaining a healthy weight. Finally.... SUCCESSFUL.

Sara Young Cddd

I just love the way Fitbit works. Last week, I just installed it to check how it works and will it help me the way I wish to. Thought, would uninstall after couple of days and you see it is still there..

Tracking it down, comparing with my friends.. It's great fun and motivating.

Sara Young Cddd

MyFitnessPal is a great app and I love the way they blog. Especially, the rescue from rut article.  Take a look.

Identify the routine activity that takes the most time. Whether it’s cleaning, organizing or managing parental duties, you should find the part of the day that often takes hours to complete. As an example, let’s say you find yourself cleaning for two hours every evening after work. This should be the first routine activity you adjust.

Sara Young Cddd

All I understand, it is how I take it. No job or task is a challenge it is your resistence. I just add some fun whenever possible. Some music playing in the background!!!

Sara Young Cddd

I have streamlined my laundry!! I got an hour free in my hand, Going to work out in this time!!

Sara Young Cddd

I clean in the morning.. But have to reclean in the evening. It is one timeconsuming thing in my list..


All routines are a series of small actions. Your goal is to break down this time-consuming routine and look for small changes that simplify it. Our advice is to use the Tiny Habits concept to create a number of small processes.

For instance, you might waste 15 minutes every night rinsing your dishes before putting them into the dishwasher. You could streamline this process by setting up a new rule (for you and your family): “After I finish my meal, I will take my dishes to the sink, rinse them and then put them into the dishwasher.” Use this simple rule to chip away at your biggest challenge.

Once you start systematizing all those small actions, you’ll notice that many routine activities won’t take as long as they once did.

Habits are built with consistency. Since these are smaller habits that don’t require too much willpower, you can get away with building two or three at a time. We recommend focusing on not breaking the chain, and completing them on a daily basis.

There are a lot of apps to help you stay consistent, or you can track these actions on a paper calendar. The important thing is to constantly reinforce this behavior.


You can streamline daily activities by incorporating them into morning and evening routines. If needed, create a routine where you only do a few of these actions. Then, once you’ve successfully built them into automatic behaviors, add a few more.

Sara Young Cddd

My morning routine is filled with positivity and motivation. While I tend to relax myself in my night routine. I feel like a princess since I created my routine. Loving it.

Sara Young Cddd

I start my day with a glass of water and end it with a glass of milk. Not to mention, I read before I hit the bed.

Sara Young Cddd

I didn't focus much on my night routine, but now I have started doing it.


  • I have a glass of warm milk.
  • Then don't hit the bed for at least 30 minutes. Otherwise I feel pukish.
  • Instead I read books. 

Sara Young Cddd

While I am blogging this, I have already streamlined my tomorrow's activities.

Ready for TOMORROW!


Sara Young Cddd

I am done with it.. The Laundry in the morning.. I get ample sunshine to dry them.. The cooking.. And then I get to my writing desk.


While in evening, I get the vaccuum .. preperation work..for the next day.. The planned day flows so smoothly.


 Jot down a list of ideas you’d like to add to your daily or weekly routines. Put a note on your calendar to review that list once a month to determine if you’re ready to add anything new to your current habits.



Sara Young Cddd

It motivates ... I look at the list on Monday and say "Wow... I am going to have so much fun once I finish my tasks this week". Generally, I make a list of activities with my daughter. Not only, we get time to spend toogether but we bond as well.

Sara Young Cddd

This week I am working on a wall hanging. I am going to use the ordinary stuffs around to put it up. Once done I will share the picture.

Sara Young Cddd

I recently got interested in some DIY Home Improvement Projects. I  think I can add a few in my routine. Let me start with the wall transformation then I would get with the kitchen cabinet...

On a scale of 1 (low energy) to 10 (high energy), determine the time of day when you’re at your best. Spend a week on this exercise so you have an accurate picture of how you feel during an average workday.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Sara Young Cddd
Help wanted

It was such a bad day. I was sick but my energy was probably down of zero the first half of the day. It is taking me quite an effort even to write these lines. Horrible! Probably,it's beause of the weather. Any suggestion fellows - just skip medicines. 

Sara Young Cddd

Today it is a 5 for me. Too lazy. It's probably the weather.

Sara Young Cddd

Today it is a 5 for me. Too lazy. It's probably the weather.

Sara Young Cddd

If I have to chart my enery level.. I think it is 8 around in evening. So, I keep the laborious work scheduled in the later half of the day!!

Repeat the same process with your routine tasks. Make a list of everything you do and assign each task a number (again, 1 = low energy, 10 = high energy).

Sara Young Cddd

Well, I am a homely person, but sometime I am blogging as well. As lthis activity asked I assessed the difficulty level of the tasks I do. From cooking gardening to housekeeping. ON average they are 6 to 7.

 Evaluate your daily work responsibilities and put them in order of priority. Some will go on a daily task list, while others will be done weekly, quarterly or even annually. The important thing is to know what truly matters for your job.

Schedule time (every day) to complete the most important tasks on your list. You can assign actual times to tasks that need to be done on a daily or weekly basis and block out entire days (or a week if needed) for things such as quarterly or annual planning. This step is important because you’ll build the habit of giving priority to important tasks instead of working on them “whenever you have time.”

Sara Young Cddd

This is very helpful. I have been very lazy with a project. I was too much tired and exhausted. But then I gave myself a time 3 hours ... Woh. I proved myself.

Sara Young Cddd

It saved me a lot of confusion and time.. I don't sit one task and end up being lazy anymore. My motto is complete it within time and get my to-do list finished ...

Sara Young Cddd

If one got trouble like me to properly block the time and need some help. Here is the secret weapon.. Yuhooooo! Trust me I found it practical and very helpful.

Made my life so easy.

At the beginning of each day, select three to five MITs (Most Important Things) that need to be done that day and do those first. Only when they’re completed should you work on other tasks. Also, pay close attention to your energy levels. When you feel unproductive, switch tasks and do a task that doesn’t require a lot of thought or concentration.

Sara Young Cddd

Guess what today, I just had one MIT and that too I couldn't do because I was too lazy and exhausted. I knowk, it is bad but I still couldn't help it.

Sara Young Cddd


1. Laundry.

2. Trying out a new recipe.

3. Start doing regular workout at least 7 minutes a day.

Sara Young Cddd

Today's MIT

  • Dusting
  • Shopping for my lil' one.
  • Getting Grocery.
  • Need to check for a refrigerator. 

Apart, I need to get my facial done.

Sara Young Cddd

My MIT of for today are;

  1. Laundry.. (been postponing it foro few days now)
  2. Dusting of the Attic.

JUst these two, which I has been trying to avoid. I have to get it done.


 At the end of each day, evaluate what you’ve accomplished. If you completed the important tasks, then stick to the same routine. But if you struggled with your tasks, identify the leaks in your productivity and plug them. Finally, before you leave work, make tomorrow’s to-do list.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Sara Young Cddd

Some time I get to do everything that I have planned sometime things go in a different way. Today, it was just so so. I thought I would finish all my pending jobs so will earn some bonuses but I could not even do the basic tasks that I was supposed to. Probably, my day is running in negative. 

Sara Young Cddd

Today, as I am tracking down my day I am so relieved. No pending chore, everything done. All I have to do plan ahead coming week and I will be enjoying my weekend with my family..

Sara Young Cddd

I have postpone a few tasks. When I evaluated my workday, I just found I have lost my productivity. 


Sara Young Cddd

With cold and cough, it was not a  fruitful day. I couldn't even get my basic tasks finished! However, I managed for the day!

Sara Young Cddd

I had a weekplan .. I couldn't evaluate it on daily basis. So did that on this weekend. Found manythings pending. I have got a daily to-do with MITs. I am going to evaluate daily.

Today, I found 1 thing pending.


There are many obstacles that prevent you from having a stress-free, productive work environment. The good news is, if you’re smart about how you prioritize tasks, it’s not hard to stay focused.

 We suggest adopting a few habits:

Strategy #1: Kill the monkey.

This is a dangerous mindset where you let the thoughts in your head negatively impact the task you’re currently working on.

The best way to kill monkey mind is to jot down the thought on a piece of paper (even on your to-do list), then explore the idea when you’re not focused on a specific task.

 Part of the reason we recommend the Pomodoro Technique is that it forces you to focus on a task and ignore all distractions. If you strictly adhere to this concept, then you don’t “count” a task if you break concentration and do something else. The idea here is to teach you the discipline necessary to kill the monkey that often pops into your head.

Strategy #2: Close out email.

Email that is open all the time is too tempting. Even if you don’t respond to email as it comes in, the pinging notifications are often distracting enough to weaken your resolve and break your focus. Master your email by designating specific times for it; otherwise it will master you.

Strategy #3: Find the right noise levels.

Some people need absolute silence, while others need white noise to block out distracting sounds in their environment. It all depends on what works best for you. If you like to listen to music, experiment with different styles until you find one that helps you be more productive with each type of task. Steve prefers classical and relaxing music while writing, but he needs upbeat music when he’s working on mundane tasks.

 Strategy #4: Manage (or avoid) meetings.

Depending on your work situation, you may not have control over the meetings you attend, but if you do, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Conduct meetings standing up. You can keep a chair or two in the room in case anyone really needs to sit down, but if the majority of the people are standing, the meeting won’t last long.
  • Set an agenda for the meeting. Send it to attendees ahead of time so they have an opportunity to propose important items before the meeting starts. This keeps the point of the meeting clear and helps prevent you from falling down a rabbit hole of tangential topics.
  • Put a time limit on each topic. People will learn to get the important things out fast and focus on work-critical conversations.
  • Only invite people to the meeting if they absolutely need to be there. If you have 10 people at a meeting that takes an hour, you’ve used 10 man-hours, when perhaps only 3 were needed.

Most meetings are an incredible waste of time and human resources. We suggest that you either avoid meetings when you can or look for ways to streamline the entire process.

Strategy #5: Avoid multitasking.

You may feel you get more done when multitasking, but countless studies (like this one) have proven that people’s productivity diminishes when they engage in this activity.

In fact, multitasking reduces creativity, causes a higher ratio of mistakes and makes it harder to remember important details. We recommend that you work on one activity at a time and nothing else.

Strategy #6: Know how to deal with interruptions.

 You don’t always have as much control over your day as you’d like. What often happens is your workday becomes a series of interruptions, making it impossible to stay productive because you constantly have to deal with them.

Interruptions range from minor irritations (such as an unexpected phone call) to major problems (e.g., illness or the death of a family member). They also include major life changes such as getting married, giving birth or making a job change.

When these interruptions happen, it’s easy to fall out of your routine. Whether you fail to complete your tasks for one day or drop your entire exercise routine, interruptions definitely make it difficult to stay on track.

We all encounter interruptions, but what separates the successful people from everyone else is knowing how to handle them when they occur. Here are a few ways to do this:

  •  Accept the fact that interruptions will happen— they are a fact of life. What you can control is your response to these random events.
  • Create interruption buffers. Identify how you’re often interrupted (phone calls, text messages, email or people in your office) and take a proactive approach that prevents them from happening when you’re engaged in an important task.

As an example, you could wear a pair of noise-canceling headphones at work. Even if you’re not listening to music, this often acts a subtle signal to co-workers that you’re working on something important.

  • Choose the items that always (or almost always) merit interrupting you. For instance, Rebecca has decided that when her 83-year-old mother calls, she has time to talk with her, even if she’s in the middle of doing something “important.”
  • Give yourself a break. The important thing is to allow a certain amount of time for a break and schedule a specific time (or date) to resume your routine.
  • Rediscover your motivation. It’s not healthy to rely on motivation alone, because it’s not always possible to stay motivated. But if you’re failing at your routines, it can be helpful to remember why you added certain things to your daily routine in the first place.
  • Start over. If your routine completely fails and you lose all momentum, simply have the courage to start from scratch. This can be discouraging, but it is better than never getting back to it.

We all have interruptions. The important thing is to understand that they happen and to have a plan for when they occur.

Strategy #7: Learn to say no.

People often say yes when they should say no. There are many reasons why we do this— like not wanting to disappoint someone. But saying yes to everything puts a huge strain on your time and productivity. Do this enough and it’ll kill the success of your daily routine.

 Just remember this: Whenever you say “yes” to a request, you say “no” to something else in your life.

 Of course, there might be some people you feel you can’t say no to, such as a boss. If that’s the case, practice the “yes, but” method.

For example, you can say, “Yes, I’d be happy to do [requested item], but that will put me behind on [another important item]. Would you prefer that I do [requested item] first, or would it be better for me to focus on [the other important item] instead?”

 Keep in mind that saying no isn’t rude, and there are many ways to say no without using the word “no.” For instance, you can say something like, “Thanks so much for considering me for this fantastic opportunity, but I don’t have the bandwidth to do it justice right now.”

That approach affirms the person and opportunity without forcing you to give in to a request that isn’t right for you.

 Strategy #8: Eliminate inefficiencies.

There are many tasks you simply don’t need to do, and it may be possible to minimize others. For instance, a housewife may feel the need to vacuum every day, even if doing so once or twice a week is sufficient.

In other cases, a task needs to be done, but not necessarily by you. Using vacuuming as an example, the mom can perhaps delegate that task to one of her older children.

 If you’re a business owner, or in a management position, focus on the tasks that can only be done by you and delegate the rest to others.

Other tasks can be automated. For instance, you can set up email filters to automatically delete certain types of emails. A great resource for reducing time spent on computer-based tasks is the “If This, Then That” (IFTT) website. Use this tool to create recipes that streamline many services like Facebook, Evernote, FitBit, Twitter and Dropbox. To get started, just enter a site/ device that you regularly use and IFTT will provide a number of ideas for automating these processes.

Strategy #9: Use productivity tools.

In addition to IFTT, there are a number of tools you can use to reduce the amount of time you spend in front of a computer.

Rescue Time is a time-management program that monitors what you do on a computer and provides a daily report of your productivity.

Unroll.Me is a simple tool that hunts down all your subscriptions so you can look at them in a single email, unsubscribe from unwanted lists or ignore the email and keep it “as is.”

Sanebox is a third-party program that works with all email clients. Its purpose is to only allow important messages to show up in your inbox. The rest are sent to a separate folder. Then, at the end of the day (or at a time you specify), it will send you a message that contains everything in the “separate” folder.

Gmail (and other email services) has a tool for creating “canned responses” for common questions. You can use this to decrease the amount of communication you do through email.

If you don’t have Gmail, then TextExpander (for Mac) or FastFox (for PC) can help you quickly craft messages that are common to your particular job.

We currently live in an amazing age with infinite options for streamlining work activities, but you might have to do a little digging to identify the tools that work best for your work style and job responsibilities.

It’s been said that we spend one-third of our time working. Because of this, it’s critical to systematize your day so you get the most important things done first, without succumbing to the idea that you need to complete every task on a daily basis.

Being productive isn’t about getting more time so you can work more. Instead, you should strive to be productive to spend as much time as possible doing what you love and spending time with the people who truly matter.

To quote Senator Paul Tsongas, “Nobody on his deathbed ever said, ‘I wish I had spent more time at the office.’”


Sara Young Cddd

I couldn't create a happy place but I definitely created a happy hour... When I disconnect myself from rest of the world and focus only on me. I don't answer any work Mela call or anything I just be with myself Gulabi reader book listen to some music or just go to bed and sleep. It really helps me to get energized the next day when I wake up.

Sara Young Cddd

I have diabled the notifications of my email, facebook twitter on my phone. Life is peaceful since I have done it.

Sara Young Cddd

Today, I am trying to find my noise level.. It actually differs time to time. I like fast beat songs. I love Maroon's "One More Night". Doing my chores playing it in the background. Boring tasks are fun doing now.

Sara Young Cddd

I am trying to get started with Pomodoro technique.. I am worried about the "Eliminate burnout" point. Fingers crossed...

If you work at the traditional 9-to-5 job, set the expectation that you don’t respond to email, text messages or phone calls when you’re not in the office. If you work from home, designate space in your home as office space and, from here on out, choose to work in only that one location.

Sara Young Cddd

Yeah I am working from home - on my bed. In PJs so does that mean I am not disconecting from my home and relaxed attitude which is hampering my work. Probably that is the reason. I will do something about it. 

Sara Young Cddd

I have practiced being disconnected from my job. If on a day-off, I get a call or query I just get it on voice mail or something. I  don't want to make others feel that I am always available to help them not matter where I am or how I am. I also advice this to my friends. 

Oh! Well, I have recently started doing a small office job on a part-time basis.

Sara Young Cddd

Setting up a small work station for myself.. Planning to blog!! I have interest in handcrafts and cooking; thinking something with it.

I am going to include manything crafty to inspire me ..

Sara Young Cddd

This is a fact!! People go on answering office calls, respond to their emails.. and just mess their personal life. I know this because I have been one in my life earlier, butn now I am not working so that I can give time to my family and myself. But, I do understand what the problem was..

Identify where you want to be five years from now, not just in business, but in other areas of life as well. Try one of three strategies to identify what you truly want:

1. Identify your personal passions.

“Find your passion” is a popular phrase gurus love to throw around. That said, there is something to be said about doing what you truly love. Sadly, though, many people aren’t even aware of what they want from life.

Instead, they’ve allowed the drudgery of a 9-to-5 existence to dull their desire to do anything of significance. You can’t figure out what you want from life with a simple exercise. It’s a process that often takes weeks— even months— to complete. One of Steve’s friends (Barrie Davenport) has an interesting book on this subject called The 52-Week Life Passion Project. While you don’t necessarily need a whole year to figure out what you want from life, you can use the multitude of exercises in this book to unlock what you truly want.

2. Create S.M.A.R.T. goals.

We get it—“ finding your passion” might be too woo-woo for you. Perhaps you’re someone who likes turning life goals into measurable daily actions. If that’s the case, then another option is to create a series of S.M.A.R.T. goals. S.M.A.R.T is an acronym for: Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time-bound Now we purposely avoided the topic of S.M.A.R.T. goals until the end of this book, because most people create goals that are focused purely on work-related tasks. While setting work-related goals is important, it pales in comparison to using them to improve the quality of your life. We suggest that you set a series of goals in seven different areas: health, relationships, business, finance, leisure, spirituality and community. If you get stuck, ask yourself these questions:

  • What are your heartfelt desires for you and your family?
  • What have you always dreamed of doing?
  • What activities make you feel inspired and driven?
  • What thoughts give you goose bumps while imagining them?
  • What things have you always wanted to own?
  • What uplifts you spiritually?

The key to these questions is to take action. Don’t just write down an idea and say you’ll do it someday. As  you probably know, when you say “someday,” it often turns into “never.” The best way to achieve a goal is to treat it like a project and turn it into a series of steps. For instance, if you have a goal to take a two-week trip around Italy, you should break it down into a series of actions:

  • Create a sample itinerary of the places you’d like to visit.
  • Determine how much the trip would cost.
  • Look for travel discounts and potential trip packages.
  • Set up an automatic savings plan for this trip.
  • Use a site (like Kayak.com) to get the cheapest available flight.
  • Book the hotel rooms.

The point here is that we all have dreams, but not many people will take the time to figure out how to make them happen. The simplest way to do what you want is to create a goal and turn it into a step-by-step action plan.

3. Add bucket list items to your daily plans.

You’ve probably heard people talk about their bucket lists. These are the high-level experiences and challenges they’d like do before… you know… they kick the bucket. Sometimes the best way to spend your time isn’t looking for personal passions or achieving small goals. Instead, you might want to spend your time pursing those once-in-a-lifetime opportunities.

It might sound trite, but the simplest way to identify what you want is to imagine your future self lying on your deathbed. What are the things you’d regret not being able to do? What are the things you’d be most proud to have achieved? What relationships did you most enjoy? What experiences gave meaning to your daily existence? What lives did you improve through your actions and efforts? The point behind this exercise is to reverse-engineer the rest of your life. The “death bed analogy” is the simplest way to know what’s really important and what will ultimately be a waste of your time. The items you write down from this experience will become your bucket list.

Bucket lists provide an opportunity to do amazing things in your life, but you don’t have to fly to a different continent or get chased down a street by a pack of angry bulls to find meaning. Instead, you could slow down and learn to appreciate the world around you.

No matter what, schedule time to work on those goals and consider how you can incorporate small steps toward accomplishing them into your daily routines.

Sara Young Cddd

If I have set a goal, I am not sure but I am more into creativity. I think I would like to set up a cool site on this and try to get heard! :)

5 years from now.....

Sara Young Cddd

Oh, I love this. It just clicked on my dreams. Would give it another try to set the goals I have long forgotten in my life..

Choose a way to practice stillness, such as praying or journaling. Begin to practice this daily. For best results, start small (e.g., five minutes a day). You could also start a gratitude journal. If journaling isn’t your thing, try a different tactic for expressing gratitude. For instance, make a point of telling one person what you appreciate about them each day.

Course Additional Information

8 Reasons to Build a Daily Routine

We feel having a daily structure gives you more freedom in every aspect of your life. Instead of filling your time with meaningless activities, you’ll become more mindful of each obligation and determine if it is really worth your time.

The question is: “Why should you create a daily routine?”

Here are eight reasons why it’s important to have one:

  • A routine makes it easier to take action on specific habits.

  • A routine makes you more productive.

  • Routines encourage creativity. 

  • A routine brings a sense of security. 

  • A routine makes it easier to focus.

  • A routine keeps the pressure off.

  • A routine makes tasks easier.

  • A routine inhibits procrastination, thus reducing stress.

Why We Struggle with Decisions?

In this section, we’ll talk about seven psychological principles and the way they impact your ability tobuild positive habits. When you understand how they work, you’ll recognize why you make certain positive and negative choices on a daily basis.

Principle #1: Decision Fatigue

 As you make decisions throughout the day, you’ll eventually become worn down and start to look for shortcuts. Routines limit the number of decisions you have to make, increasing your odds of doing the right thing.

Principle #2: Cognitive Load

According to Wikipedia, “cognitive load refers to the total amount of mental effort being used in the working memory.”

Principle #3: Ego Depletion

If you try to adjust too many things in your routine all at once, you are more likely to fail. Our advice, as you go through this book, is to focus on just one of the six areas. Don’t worry about the others until you’ve turned your new routine into a series of automatic actions.

Principle #4: “What-the-Hell” Effect

Willpower is an important aspect of developing any habit, including daily routines. Unfortunately,  we often hit a bump, slip up and fail to do what we set out to do, or wind up doing something we swore we wouldn’t. What matters is how you respond to this failure. The bottom line is that you have two choices: learn from this mistake and jump right back into the routine or succumb to what’s commonly called the “what-the-hell” effect. 

Principle #5: “Monkey Mind”

Monkey mind means “unsettled; restless; capricious; whimsical; fanciful; inconstant; confused; indecisive; uncontrollable.” Monkey mind is an especially big problem for those who have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (or ADHD), but most have struggled with this problem at some point. Monkey mind can keep you from sticking to your daily routine. It often happens when an action causes you to think of a related action. The second action leads to a third, and so on and so forth. Eventually you’re doing something that has nothing to do with the first action.

 Principle #6: Multitasking Isn’t Effective

Multitasking was once touted as the way to get things done. However, we now know that Multitasking is regarded as a faulty practice that causes you to get less done, not more.

Remember, daily routines are much more than something you check off a list. The idea here is to improve the quality of your life and the lives of those around you. If you’re simply going through the motions and multitasking the whole time, then don’t expect to get good results.

Principle #7: You NEED Downtime

Downtime is an incredibly important factor to keep in mind when it comes to daily routines. The truth is, we need more downtime than most people think. This consistent bombardment of information makes it difficult to process things and makes it even harder to shut off our minds when it’s time to rest. Although it’s true that a set schedule will make you more productive, the idea isn’t to work like a machine and never take time off.

Six Areas of Your Daily Routine

The perfect daily routine shouldn’t focus on productivity. Instead, the goal is to carefully review each area of your life and determine how to achieve maximum results with the least amount of effort. To use the example from the introduction, you want to determine the 80/ 20 activities for your life and spend the majority of your time on these activities.

When you save time in one area, you free up time in another area. If you save 30 minutes on routine activities every day, for example, you’ll have 30 extra minutes per day to spend doing more meaningful activities.

We’ll detail a number of strategies to help you maximize six areas of your life:

  1. Energy
  2. Eating
  3. Exercise
  4. Routine activities
  5. Working
  6. Fun

The important thing to remember is that each area is an important part of your life.

We put them in a specific order— based on how each impacts the rest of your life— but we recommend focusing on the area that you feel needs the most improvement.




Blog entries by followers

Sara Young Cddd

Yeah I am working from home - on my bed. In PJs so does that mean I am not disconecting from my home and relaxed attitude which is hampering my work. Probably that is the reason. I will do something about it. 

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Sara Young Cddd

Some time I get to do everything that I have planned sometime things go in a different way. Today, it was just so so. I thought I would finish all my pending jobs so will earn some bonuses but I could not even do the basic tasks that I was supposed to. Probably, my day is running in negative. 

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Sara Young Cddd

Guess what today, I just had one MIT and that too I couldn't do because I was too lazy and exhausted. I knowk, it is bad but I still couldn't help it.

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Sara Young Cddd
Help wanted

It was such a bad day. I was sick but my energy was probably down of zero the first half of the day. It is taking me quite an effort even to write these lines. Horrible! Probably,it's beause of the weather. Any suggestion fellows - just skip medicines. 

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Sara Young Cddd

I couldn't create a happy place but I definitely created a happy hour... When I disconnect myself from rest of the world and focus only on me. I don't answer any work Mela call or anything I just be with myself Gulabi reader book listen to some music or just go to bed and sleep. It really helps me to get energized the next day when I wake up.

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Sara Young Cddd


1. Laundry.

2. Trying out a new recipe.

3. Start doing regular workout at least 7 minutes a day.

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Sara Young Cddd

I have diabled the notifications of my email, facebook twitter on my phone. Life is peaceful since I have done it.

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Sara Young Cddd

Today it is a 5 for me. Too lazy. It's probably the weather.

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Sara Young Cddd

Today it is a 5 for me. Too lazy. It's probably the weather.

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Sara Young Cddd

Today's MIT

  • Dusting
  • Shopping for my lil' one.
  • Getting Grocery.
  • Need to check for a refrigerator. 

Apart, I need to get my facial done.

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Sara Young Cddd

My morning routine is filled with positivity and motivation. While I tend to relax myself in my night routine. I feel like a princess since I created my routine. Loving it.

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Sara Young Cddd

I am working on some dehydrated recipes.. I will be a nice back-up meal..

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Sara Young Cddd

Today, I am trying to find my noise level.. It actually differs time to time. I like fast beat songs. I love Maroon's "One More Night". Doing my chores playing it in the background. Boring tasks are fun doing now.

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Sara Young Cddd

I exercise everyday but now I think I need to improvise my plan.. I found something the best workout plan according to your body.. All I need to do is to find out my body type.

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Sara Young Cddd

After being on a meal plan, I have improved my overall health.. lost weight.. It has been hard for I loved junk food but worth not giving up to my cravings...

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Sara Young Cddd

Done.... Every day without a fail.

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Sara Young Cddd

It motivates ... I look at the list on Monday and say "Wow... I am going to have so much fun once I finish my tasks this week". Generally, I make a list of activities with my daughter. Not only, we get time to spend toogether but we bond as well.

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Sara Young Cddd

Today, as I am tracking down my day I am so relieved. No pending chore, everything done. All I have to do plan ahead coming week and I will be enjoying my weekend with my family..

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Sara Young Cddd

Tracked and check with the doctor - I am absolutely hale and hearty!

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Sara Young Cddd

I start my day with a glass of water and end it with a glass of milk. Not to mention, I read before I hit the bed.

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- 16 entries about this course