Course: How To Build SELF-DISCIPLINE: Resist Temptations and Reach Your Long-Term Goals

Goal: The Fundamentals of SELF-DISCIPLINE

 Keystone habits give the best bang for the buck. If you haven’t done so already, introduce a habit to exercise on a regular basis. Unsurprisingly, one of the most powerful habits that lead to changing other patterns is regular physical activity.

Studies show that regular physical activity may lead to reduced

  • overeating,
  • smoking,
  • alcohol consumption,
  • and risk taking.

Consequently, just one change in your daily routine can help you introduce numerous other healthy changes with little to no resistance. Positive things just “happen” and transform your life.

Both exercising and food journaling are two keystone habits that can transform your life. But what if you already have a healthy diet and exercise regularly? Keystone habits don’t stop at just these two behaviors.

 Here are some potential keystone habits you can develop in your life and expect a positive chain reaction.

  1. Meditation. (Explained later in a seperate activity)
  2. Waking up earlier. Even waking 15 minutes earlier can bring a huge change in your life by letting you start your day with less stress and in no hurry. Reduced tension in the morning can help you improve your relationships with other people and become more effective at work.
  3. Trying a new thing every single day. Stepping outside your comfort zone and doing things you have never done before will help you discover new hobbies, meet new people and face your fears.
  4. Saving money. No matter what you think about money and happiness, a couple months of savings can make only positive changes in your life – leading to decreased stress and more financial safety that spills over to other aspects of life.
  5. Expressing gratitude for things you’re thankful for. Write down three things that went well on a given day led to steady increases in happiness.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.